Saturday, August 24, 2024



NUMBER 1, 10, 19, 28

Strictly avoid indulgence in ego clashes today and be careful in driving too. The day is fine for air services, hospitality sector, media pursuits, foreign administrative tours, export of silver and art wares, Care more for viewpoint and sentiments of your elders and life-mate. Be more mindful in driving. The day is dicey on financial front; don't initiate investment in new projects and don't invest in shares.

NUMBER 2, 11, 20, 29

Personal efforts will be amply rewarding and luck will also render you support. The day is fine for self assertion, journalism, transportation, automobile dealing, cosmetic surgery, export of  petrol and  diamonds. Art Historians, art critics, sexologists, fashion and glamour world, journalists and  publishers, Spiritual mentors and yoga trainers will be more comfortable today. Chances are bright for pilgrimage today. Fine day for dating and proposing.

NUMBER 3, 12, 21, 30

Your social say will enhance today. The day is fine for assertion, religious inclination of mind, architecture, deal of diamonds, silver, mustard oil, iron, petrol, vehicles, surgical apparatus; but retain a composed mind today and  care more for sentiments of your better half. Don't invest in shares at all.

NUMBER 4, 13, 22, 31

Try to retain a check on your ego and care more for viewpoint of your elders and better half. Well plan your wallet to avoid extravagance. Be more mindful in driving. Don't initiate investment in new projects and don't buy shares as the day is speculative on financial front. You might feel lack of cordiality in your relation with spouse today. The day boosts your creativity and innovative bend of mind. 

NUMBER 5,14,23

Retain a check on your mercurial mind and care more for viewpoint of your elders and seniors. Drive safe and avoid indulgence in ego conflicts too. Don't expect any support from luck today.

NUMBER 6,15, 24

The day is neutral for you, with no remarkable change in your professional and personal status. However, luck is going to secure some positive change in your status today. Dealers of brown colored objects, trend setters and sexologists will be more comfortable today/  Enjoy the petty joys derived from unhindered attainment of daily targets.

NUMBER 7, 16, 25

The day is fine for asserting and establishing yourself in social as well as professional sphere. Suitable day for cosmetic surgery, architecture, transportation, deal of automobiles, petrol, diamond, ethnic jewelery and cosmetics. Relation with spouse will be more cordial today. You might devote some time for religious pursuits as well.

NUMBER 8,17, 26

Daily targets will be attained in a prestigious way. The day is fine for journalism, religious pursuits ,research in occult sciences and philosophy, rewarding for architecture,  deal of automobiles, fuel, diamond, iron. black colored objects. and surgical apparatus.

NUMBER 9,18, 27

You will be able to take and implement firm minded decisions today. Retain a composed mind today and avoid anxiety, though some financial problems  might perturb you today. Relation with spouse will be less cordial today. More fine day for religious pursuits, architecture, deal of fuel, vehicles, diamond and black colored objects 

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