Thursday, January 25, 2024



NUMBER 1, 10, 19, 28

You will enjoy cool disposition of mind. You will be more inclined towards aesthetic pursuits entertainment and outings. More fine for aesthetic pursuits, aviation, cultural delegations, dealers of silver and art wares. You might plan some entertainment and outings. 

NUMBER 2, 11, 20, 29

The day is fine for stretching wings of your imagination. You will enjoy cool disposition of mind. The day is fine for media pursuits, journalism, aviation, mobility, deal of silver, gold, stationery and domestic utility items.. Your domestic, vocational and social status will be more prestigious today. Gynecologists, surgeons, publishers, Art Historians, architects and interior decorators will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 3, 12, 21, 30

Fine day for stretching wings of your imagination wider. You might gain some recognition in field of arts and aesthetics, journalism, designing and social service pursuits The day is fine for assertion, spiritual  pursuits, deal of oil, silver, gold domestic utility items, residential property and office complexes, surgical apparatus, stationery and  art wares. Your prestige will enhance today. Chances are bright for pilgrimage. Some auspicious ceremony is likely at home.

NUMBER 4, 13, 22, 31

The day bears a romantic fervour and fine for following aesthetic pursuits too; profitable for deal of silver and art wares. You might plan some entertainment and outings. Unhindered attainment of daily targets will fetch you cool disposition of mind. More fine day for media, artists, curators, dealers of silver and handicrafts.

NUMBER 5,14, 23

Personal efforts won't secure any noteworthy change in your status, but luck might render you partial support in domestic, social and vocational sphere. Gynecologists, social activists, dealers of domestic utility items, stationery, gold and residential property will be more comfortable today. You have to be more mindful to sentiments of your elders and regarding following traffic rules. Avoid rash driving.

NUMBER 6.15.24

Daily targets will be attained in a routine way. The day is neutral, with no remarkable change in your status. Try to manage sometime for your hobbies and long pending social commitments. Architects, interior decorators, academicians, gynecologists and social activists, dealers  of gold and residential property will be comparatively more comfortable today. Don't transact property and don't initiate any legal cases related to property. Avoid indulgence in heated discussions.

NUMBER 7, 16, 25

Take good care oh health. Avoid air travel today and guard against air borne infections too. Due to favours from luck,  you will be able to manage professional and social liabilities, in spite of ill health. Spiritual inclination of mind will be keener. Social, vocational and domestic liabilities will be smoothly managed and your say will enhance, but don't be over assertive.

NUMBER 8,17, 26

Daily liabilities will be managed unhindered. The day is fine for assertion, stability, spiritual inclination of mind, deal of residential property and office complexes, gold, diamonds, surgical apparatus, oil and black colored objects; favours surgeons, gynecologists, architects, builders, architects, media, publishers, future tellers, vastu consultants, yoga trainers and spiritual mentors. You will enjoy enhanced social say.

NUMBER 9,18, 27

Personal efforts won't secure any noteworthy change in your status, but luck will render you support in domestic, social and vocational sphere. The day is fine for religious inclination of mind, yoga and meditation, photojournalism and publishing books on religion and philosophy. Architects, transporters, pilgrim agencies, Spiritual Mentors, surgeons, gynecologists, dealers of gold, diamonds, residential property and office complexes will be in more favorable status today.