NUMBER 1,10,19,28
Personal efforts won't fetch any significant change in your
status, but due to favour of luck, the day is fine for socializing, planning administrative
and cultural trips to foreign lands, deal and export of dairy products, silver
and art ware; fine for following aesthetic pursuits and social concern issues.
Media, artists, translators, aviation sector and tourism services will be more
comfortable today.
NUMBER 2,11,20,29
Personal efforts won’t be fruitful today, but due to some
support rendered by luck, the day favours for mobility, foreign travels,
entertainment and cultural pursuits. Take good care of health, guard against
heat, fire and heated discussions. Don't initiate property deals today.
NUMBER 3,12,21,30
The day is fine for relaxing your mind and following aesthetic
pursuits and entertainment, favours developers, agriculturists, armed forces,
judicial services, spiritual delegations, photo journalists and publishers, dealers
fuel, silver, multi colored precious stones, spices, land related yields and agricultural
land. Spiritual inclination of mind will be keener today.
NUMBER 4,13,22,31
The day is neutral for result of personal efforts, but due to partial
support of luck, you might gain some recognition in literary and cultural
pursuits; fine for entertainment, recreation and social concern activities. Tourism
sector, aviation services dealers and exporters of silver and handicrafts might
gain better today.
NUMBER 5,14,23
Take good care of health and diet as you are likely to suffer
due to high fever, blood related or skin related disorders. Try to maintain a
cool and composed mind ; avoid heated discussions. Don’t jump at rash
decisions. Avoid initiation of judicial and property pursuits today.
NUMBER 6,15,24
Keep a check on your temper and guard against heat, short circuit,
fire and heated discussions and take good care of physical and mental health. Don't
invest in property today. Granary owners, agriculturists and power grids might
face some adversities today.
NUMBER 7,16,25
Guard against skin related problems, heat, fire and involvement
in heated discussions. Don't invest in property today. The day favours for
following aesthetic activities and socializing. Dealers of art wares and silver might gain
better. Aviation sector might face some problems today. You may suffer due to
some air generated infection.
NUMBER 8,17,26
You will be able to take and implement firm minded decisions,
but avoid indulgence in political and administrative rifts. The day is fine for
spiritual bend of mind; favours spiritual mentors, photo journalists, developers,
builders, fuel dealers, dealers of land related yields, spices and multi
colored objects.
NUMBER 9,18,27
The day is fine for following religious
pursuits; favours armed forces, judicial services, developers, builders, agriculturists,
journalists and photographers, dealers of fuel, arms and ammunition,
spices, land related yields and multi coloured precious stones.