Saturday, August 24, 2024



NUMBER 1, 10, 19, 28

The day is cool and fine for entertainment and aesthetic pursuits, favours exporters, sports correspondents shipping industry, voyagers, sea traders, dealers of silver, pearls, seafood, water purifiers, dairy products and white coloured objects. Social activists and politicians, psychiatrists and pediatricians  will outshine in their circle today.

NUMBER 2, 11, 20, 29

Take good care of health and assure purity of drinking water. You might face some trouble due to rough seas or water generated infection. Don't initiate any projects today. Just focus on routine and relax. Personal efforts won't be rewarding today, but you will be benefitted by partial support from luck. Nursing homes, pediatricians, dealers of silvery grey objects and utility items for kids will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 3, 12, 21, 30

You will enjoy cool disposition of mind and will be in a position to assert yourself in professional as well as social life. The day is fine for entertainment, recreation, media pursuits, sea trading, voyaging, aesthetic and spiritual pursuits, journalism, deal of silver, pearls and other sea related yields. Some re scheduling of your plans might happen due to some problems related to your kids and unexpected arrival of guests.

NUMBER 4, 13, 22, 31

You will enjoy cool disposition of mind. The day is fine for shipping consignments, administrative tours abroad, deal of silver, salt and pearls, dairy products, seafood and  art wares. Avoid indulgence in ego conflicts, especially in political sphere. Fine day for innovations, experiments, marine adventures, social service and leadership pursuits.

NUMBER 5,14, 23

Personal efforts won't secure any noteworthy change in your status. Foreign administrative services, politicians, social activists and dealers of dairy products, white colored objects will be more comfortable today. Your management ability will be keener today. You will be be benefitted by intuitions and favour rendered by your friends and foreign links.

NUMBER 6,15, 24

The day is neutral, with no specific change in your personal and professional status .Unhindered attainment of daily targets will fetch you cool disposition of mind. Try to manage sometime for your long pending social commitments.

NUMBER 7, 16, 25

Personal efforts will be highly rewarding. The day is fine for aesthetic pursuits, psychic studies, voyaging, sea trading, especially for deal of pearls, sea shells, seafood and water purifiers. Spiritual inclination of mind will be keener today. You might gain some recognition in sphere of arts and literature. Sports correspondent, dealers and exporters of sports material and utility items for kids, pediatricians and psycho analysts will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 8,17, 26

Daily targets will be accomplished in a smooth sailing way, but don't expect any support from luck today. Try to retain a check on ego and strictly avoid indulgence in political discussions. Also, assure purity of milk products before consuming, as there are chances of food poisoning.

NUMBER 9,18, 27

Personal efforts won't secure any noteworthy change in your status and luck, too, won't fetch any noteworthy support to you. Just focus on routine and enjoy the petty joys derived from unhindered attainment of daily targets. Relax and re-energize yourself. Don't put money in circulation  and don't give loan to anyone today.

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