Monday, February 1, 2016

अंक ज्योतिष के आधार पर आपका भविष्यफल दिनांक 3/2/2016 बुधवार

अंक ज्योतिष के आधार पर आपका भविष्यफल दिनांक 3/2/2016  बुधवार  
अंक 1,10,19,28
व्यक्तिगत प्रयास आज आपकी स्थिति में कोई खास बदलाव नहीं ला पाएंगे/ भाग्य  अनुकूलता से कुछ बाधित प्रोजेक्ट्स गति ले सकते हैं/ विदेश मैं उच्च अध्ययन, निर्यात व्यवसाय विस्तार, भ्रमण, सांस्कृतिक व् खेल स्पर्धा हेतु जाने के लिए उत्तम दिन है/  बालरोग व् मनोरोग चिकित्सिक, निर्यातक, बेंकर्स व् इवेंट मैनेजर्स, स्लेटी रंग की वस्तुओं व् बालोपयोगी   सामान के विक्रेता,  होटल  व्यवसायी  व् ट्रेवेल एजेंट्स आज अधिक अनुकूल स्थिति मैं रहेंगे/

अंक 2,11,20,29
व्यक्तिगत प्रयास बहुत सार्थक परिणाम देंगे व् भाग्य अनुकूलता से भी आपकी व्यवसायिक, सामाजिक व् पारिवारिक स्थिति सुखद रहेगी/ आर्किटेक्ट्स, सोने ,सम्पति, सुनहरी व् स्लेटी रंग की वस्तुओं के विक्रेता, एयर ,लाइन्स , टूरिज्म सेक्टर, बेंकर्स, इवेंट मैनेजर्स, कोरियोग्राफर्स, नर्सिंग होम्स, मनोवैज्ञानिक, मीडिया , सोने व् सम्पति के विक्रेता आज अधिक अनुकूल स्थिति मैं रहेंगे/ विदेश मैं व्यवसाय व् नयी नौकरी हेतु जाने के लिए, निवास बदलने व् गृह  निर्माण शुरू करने हेतु अनुकूल दिन है/

अंक 3,12,21,30
कारोबारी व् पारिवारिक दायित्व व्यक्तिगत प्रयासों के फलस्वरूप  बखूबी निभा पाएंगे/ आर्किटेक्ट्स, सोने व् सम्पति एवं गृह उपयोगी सामान के विक्रेता,  कुटीर उद्योगपति , साहित्यकार व् शिक्षाविद आज  अधिक अनुकूल स्थिति मैं रहेंगे/  आकस्मिक आये मेहमानों व् संतान पक्ष की किसी समस्या के चलते, आज आपके पूर्व निर्धारित कार्यक्रमों में फेर बदल का अंदेशा है/ व्यवस्थित चित से स्थिति सँभालने की कोशिश कीजिये/

अंक 4,13,22,31
दैनिक गतिविधियाँ सामान्य रूप से पूर्ण कर पाएंगे/ भाग्य अनुकूलता से, आज विदेशी सम्पर्क सूत्र व् मित्र मंडली आपके विशेष सहायक हो सकते हैं/ विदेशी लोकेशन पर कोरियोग्राफी,  इवेंट  मैनेजमेंट हेतु व् विदेश मैं निर्यात व्यवसाय विस्तार व् भ्रमण हेतु जाने के लिए अनुकूल दिन है/ विदेश सेवा  में कार्यरत प्रशासनिक अधिकारी,  सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता, टूरिज्म सेक्टर, मनोरोग व् बालरोग विशेषज्ञ, खेल जगत व् टूरिज्म सेक्टर  आज अधिक अनुकूल स्थिति मैं रहेंगे/

अंक 5,14,23
आज आप भाग्य अनुकूलता व् व्यक्तिगत प्रयास दोनों के ही फलस्वरूप, अपेक्षा से अधिक लाभान्वित होंगे/ पारिवारिक व् व्यवसायिक दायित्व बखूबी निभा पाएंगे/  साहित्यिक व् सामाजिक क्षेत्र में भी कुछ पहचान बना
पाएंगे/ शिक्षा व् गृह ऋण एजेंट्स,  आर्किटेक्ट्स, सोने व् सम्पति के विक्रेता ,स्त्रीरोग विशेषज्ञ, मनोरोग व् बालरोग चिकित्सिक, बेंकर्स, लेखाविद, निर्यातक व् खेल जगत आज अधिक अनुकूल स्थिति मैं रहेंगे/

अंक 6,15,24
पारिवारिक व् व्यवसायिक दायित्व आपकी प्राथमिकता रहेंगे/  आप परिवार की सुख  सुविधा हेतु अतिरिक्त धन व समय दे पाएंगे/ सामाजिक सरोकार की व् साहित्यिक गतिविधियों मैं भी कुछ समय दे पाएंगे/ आर्किटेक्ट्स, आन्तरिक सज्जाकार, सोने, सम्पति व् गृह उपयोगी वस्तुओं के विक्रेता, लेखक व् प्रकाशक , स्त्रीरोग विशेषज्ञ व् सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता आज अधिक अनुकूल स्थिति मैं रहेंगे/

अंक 7,16,25
व्यक्तिगत प्रयास बहुत  सार्थक परिणाम देंगे व् आप भाग्य अनुकूलता से भी लाभान्वित होंगे/  बालरोग व् मनोरोग चिकित्सिक, आर्किटेक्ट्स , सोने व् सम्पति के विक्रेता , निर्यातक, इवेंट मैनेजर्स, संगीत व् नृत्य निर्देशक,  खेल संवाद दाता ,बेंकर्स व् लोन एजेंट्स , नर्सिंग होम्स व् स्त्रीरोग विशेषज्ञ आज अधिक अनुकूल स्थिति मैं रहेंगे/

अंक 8,17,26
आज व्यवसायिक व् पारिवारिक दायित्व बखूबी निभा पाएंगे/ साहित्यिक व् सामाजिक क्षेत्र मैं भी कुछ योगदान दे पाएंगे/ आर्किटेक्ट्स, सोने, सम्पति व् सुनहरी रंग की वस्तुओं के विक्रेता , समाज सेवी संस्थाएं, प्रसूतिगृह, कुटीर व्यवसायी ,साहित्यकार व् प्रकाशक आज अधिक अनुकूल स्थिति मैं रहेंगे/

अंक 9,18,27
पारिवारिक व् व्यवसायिक दायित्व आपका अधिकाँश समय लेंगे/ साहित्यिक  व् सामाजिक  गतिविधियों मैं भी आपका दखल रहेगा/ आज किसी को भी उधार मत दीजिये, अन्यथा वसूलना कठिन हो जाएगा/ संतान पक्ष की किसी  समस्या के कारण आप कुछ अनमने से रहेंगे/ व्यवस्थित मन से समाधान पाने की कोशिश कीजिये/

अपना मूलांक व् भाग्यांक जानने के लिए ,कृपया मैं देखिये "जानिए अपना मूलांक और भाग्यांक

उपरोक्त अंक गणना आपके जन्मांक व् भाग्यांक पर आधारित सामान्य भविष्यफल है/गहन व्यक्तिगत भविष्य फल जानने के लिए,आपके जनम के माह व् वर्ष की तत्काल अवस्था को भी ध्यान मैं रखना आवश्यक है/

रजनी छाबड़ा 
वरिष्ठ अंकशास्त्री 

www. numeropath .com 



NUMBER 1,10,19,28
Personal efforts won’t fetch any noteworthy change in your status, but due to support rendered by luck,  some impeded projects might gain speed. Fine day for availing your foreign links and moving abroad for higher education, export business expansion, event management and pleasure trips. Pediatricians, psychiatrists, bankers, sports world, choreographers, hospitality services, loan and travel agents will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 2,11,20,29
The day is hectic and fruitful for you. Personal efforts will be highly rewarding and dye to support rendered by luck, your professional , social and domestic liabilities will be managed in a prestigious way. Fine day for availing your foreign links, favourable day for changing job and residence, starting construction, renovation and interior decoration of your home and office.  Exporters, dealers of gold, property, sports material, music albums, mercury and cement, choreographers, architects, nursing homes and gynecologists will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 3,12,31,30
Personal efforts will be rewarding, but you should not be hopeful for any favours from luck. Dealers of gold, golden coloured objects and domestic utility items, gynecologists will be more comfortable today.  Due to sudden arrival of guests and some problem related to your kids, you might shuffle your plans today. Avoid putting money in circulation and don’t lend money to anybody today

NUMBER 4,13,22,31
Daily liabilities will be managed unhindered. Due to some favour from luck, your some long pending project might come on proper track today. Exporters, bankers, chartered accountants, music and dance directors, nursing homes, psycho analysts, event managers and employment agencies, dealers of silvery grey objects and sports material will be in more favourble status today.

NUMBER 5,14,23
Personal efforts will be fruitful and luck will also fetch several bounties for you. Recruitment services, exporters, career guides, bankers, architects, dealers of gold, property, silvery grey objects, sports material, mercury, cement and sand, nursing homes and gynecologists will be more comfortable today. Attend to your intuitions and make optimum use of your calculative ability too.

NUMBER 6,15, 24
Professional, domestic and social liabilities will be managed smoothly as a result of personal efforts. Your opinions will be held in great esteem. You might manage some extra time and funds for enhancing comfort level of your family. Architects, interior decorators, dealers of gold and property, social activists and gynecologists will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 7,16,25
Personal efforts will be highly rewarding and luck will also fetch you some bounties today. Fine day for facing walk in interviews, changing job and residence, moving abroad for higher studies, pleasure trips, export business expansion, participation in sports and cultural events. Your intuitions and calculative skills will help you a lot today. Dealers of gold, property, furnishings , silvery grey and golden coloured objects might gain better.

NUMBER 8,17,26
Domestic, social and professional status will be sound as a result of personal efforts. Academicians, publishers, dealers of gold and property, domestic utility objects and mustard oil might gain better. Architects, nursing homes and social activists will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 9,18,27
You will be able to manage domestic and professional liabilities
, in spite of some tensions. Some problems related to mobility of your kids and arrival of unexpected guests, inability to recover loans etc.might upset you today. Try to retain a cool and composed mind and handle the situations patiently. Dealers of gold and property might gain better today.

These are generalized daily predictions based on ur birth number n luck number.For personalized predictions,ur running month n year also is to be considered.





Kids landing on the stage of word today are bestowed with Birth Number 3 and Luck Number 5

 Number three people are those who are born on 3, are decidedly ambitious and don't like to be subordinated, are excellent in execution of commands, hard working, sincere, with a deep sense of responsibility and take good care of domestic life as well.

Persons endowed with Luck Number 5 are destined to act independently  due to their intellectual skills ,reasoning power and management skills.

Persons bestowed with Luck number 3 are destined to enjoy social prestige and assume responsibilities willingly.

First year of life is neutral for them and Calendar Year 2015 fetches many pleasantries for them.

To know more about Number 3 and 7,care to browse our site



Professional and domestic liabilities will be your prime concern,  but you might manage sometime for friends and guests. Dealers of gold and property, tourist sector and event managers will be more comfortable today.

Persons endowed with Birth Number 3 and those having Luck number 3and 5 will be more comfortable today.

Lucky colours for the day are golden yellow and silvery grey.




NUMBER 1,10,19,28
The day is hectic for you and in spite of some financial limitations, you will be able to manage your targets. Fine day for availing your foreign links, moving abroad for cultural and sports meet, export business expansion, higher studies and for pleasure trips. Nursing homes, psychiatrists, shipping sector, loan and travel agents, marine adventure trainers , media and translators will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 2,11,20,29
Personal efforts will be highly rewarding and luck will also fetch you some favours today. Professional, social and domestic status will be prestigious. Fashion and glamour world, dealers of sports material, leather accessories, cosmetics, silvery grey and brown coloured objects, nursing homes, physiotherapists , psycho analysts, bankers, loan and travel agents, exporters and hospitality services will be more comfortable today. Some water generated infection can be bothersome for you today.

NUMBER 3,12,31,30
Some financial limitations might prevent you to stop lavishly on extra demands of your kids and for entertainment of guests, so you might be a bit upset about this situation. Try to tackle patiently and well plan your wallet. Media, shipping sector, water purifier units, dealers of sea related yields might gain better.

NUMBER 4,13,22,31
Your administrative and management skills will help you to manage targets, in spite of some financial limitations. Fine day for availing your foreign links and moving abroad for higher education, event management and export business expansion. Don’t invest in shares today. Care more for viewpoint of your seniors and elders.

NUMBER 5,14,23
Attend to your intuitions and rely on your calculative skills too. The day is hectic and rewarding for personal efforts. Exporters, dealers of sports material, silvery grey items and music albums, pediatricians, psychiatrists, choreographers, exporters, bankers and loan agencies will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 6,15,24
Daily liabilities will be managed in a routine way and luck might fetch you some favours as well. Your say in professional and social sphere will enhance. Fashion and glamour world, dealers of brown coloured objects, leather accessories and cosmetics might gain better.

NUMBER 7,16,25
Your professional, social and domestic status will be sound and you might devote sometime to aesthetic and literary pursuits too. Sports world, fashion and glamour world, dealers of silvery grey and brown coloured objects, sea related yields and sports material, shipping industry and tourisms sector might gain better.

NUMBER 8,17,26
Daily liabilities will be managed in a routine way, but you might feel bored due to lack of novelty in your ventures. Try to manage sometimes for your hobbies or long pending social commitments and enjoy the petty joys that the day fetches for you.

NUMBER 9,18,27
Some financial limitations might be too taxing for you today. You might be upset due to your inability to cope up with extra demands of your kids. Unexpected arrival of guests might lead to re scheduling of your plans. Today , you will badly miss a close friend of yours who is miles apart from you right now. The day is dicey for new projects; just focus on daily liabilities.

These are generalized daily predictions based on ur birth number n luck number.For personalized predictions,ur running month n year also is to be considered.