Tuesday, October 22, 2013

अंक ज्योतिष के आधार पर आपका भविष्यफल दिनांक 24/10/2013

अंक ज्योतिष के आधार पर आपका भविष्यफल दिनांक 24/10/2013 गुरुवार
अंक १,१०,१९,२८ 
आज दिखावे के चक्कर मैं आप अनावश्यक खर्च कर डालेंगे/इस वजह से आपकी  जीवनसाथी से भी कलह हो सकती है/आज कोई नव निवेश भी न करें/कुछ लोग आपकी बुराई कर सकते हैं,अनदेखा अन सुना के दीजिये/अपने सम्बन्ध भावनाओं की बजाय विचारों पर केन्द्रित कीजिये/

अंक २,११,२०,२९ 
आज  आपका रुझान गृह सज्जा मैं रहेगा/सुख सुविधा पर खर्च होगा/आज का दिन काफी  चोकोलाटेस,कॉस्मेटिक्स,चर्म उत्पादों के विक्रय के लिए अनुकूल है/आज गुस्से पर काबू रखिये  व् विवादास्पद मामलों से भी दूर रहिये/

अंक ३,१२,२१,३० 
आज आप घर परिवार व् व्यवसाय की ज़िम्म्देदारियाँ अच्छी तरह से निभा पाएंगे/साहितियिक अभिरुचि भी विकसित होगी/आज सम्पति व् सोने मैं निवेश के लिए अच्छा  दिन है/आज कुछ लोग आपके विरुद्ध आवाज़ उठाएंगे,परन्तु आप धैर्यपूर्वक अपनी बात मनवा पाएंगे/

अंक ४,१३,२२,३१ 
आज का दिन प्रशासनिक नवाचार  के लिए उत्तम है/आज आपकी नीतियों को समर्थन प्राप्त होगा/नेतृत्व की प्रवृति भी विकसित होगी/दुग्ध उत्पादों व् सफ़ेद रंग की वस्तुओं मैं निवेश फायदा देगा/

अंक ५,१४,२३ 
आज सम्पति निवेश व् गृह ऋण लेने देने के लिया अच्छा दिन है.साहितियिक अभिरुचियों के लिए भी समय निकाल पाएंगे/सोने व् सुनहरी वस्तुओं मैं निवेश लाभ देगा/घर परिवार व् व्यवसाय की जिम्मेदारियां सुचारू रूप से निभ  पाएंगी/

अंक ६,१५,२४ 
आज सहचर से आपके सम्बन्ध मधुर रहेंगे व आप उसकी भावनाओं की कद्र करेंगे/पारिवारिक सुख सुविधा व् व्यक्तिगत रख रखाव हेतु  सहर्ष व्यय करेंगे/आंतरिक सज्जाकार,वास्तु शास्त्री, भवन निर्माता/सोने व् कलात्मक गहनों के निवेशक अच्छा लाभ प्राप्त करेंगे/

अंक ७,१६,२५ 
आज कलात्मक प्रवृति उभेरगी  व् आप इसके लिए समय भी निकाल पाएंगे/फैशन व् ग्लेमर वर्ल्ड से जुड़े लोगों ,भवन निर्माताओं, वास्तुविदों व् आंतरिक सज्जाकारों के लिए लाभप्रद दिन है/साहित्यिक अभिरुचियों के लिए भी समय दे पाएंगे/

अंक ८,१७,२६ 
आज प्रशासनिक मतभेदों से आपको पेरशानी का सामना के पड़ सकता है/अहम पर भी नियंत्रण रखिये/छोटी छोटी बातों पर उलझने से आप लोगों को अपना विरोधी बना लेंगे/सचेत रहिये/आज का दिन सम्पति व् सोने मैं निवेश के लिए अच्छा है/आज धर्म
व् दर्शनशास्त्र के गहन अध्ययन मैं रूचि रहेगी/

 अंक ९,१८,२७ 
आज किसी प्रकार का आर्थिक नव निवेश न करें/किसी को भी उधार न लें,न दे/अपने जीवन साथी की भावनाओं को अनदेखा न करें/साहित्यिक क्रिया कलापों व् भवन निर्माण,धर्म प्रचार के लिए अच्छा दिन है/
अपना मूलांक व् भाग्यांक जानने के लिए ,कृपया www.numeropath.com मैं देखिये "जानिए अपना मूलांक और भाग्यांक

उपरोक्त अंक गणना आपके जन्मांक व् भाग्यांक पर आधारित सामान्य भविष्यफल है/गहन व्यक्तिगत भविष्य फल जानने के लिए,आपके जनम के माह व् वर्ष की तत्काल अवस्था को भी ध्यान मैं रखना आवश्यक है/

रजनी छाबड़ा 
वरिष्ठ अंकशास्त्री 
www. numeropath .com 


NUMBER 1,10,19,28
Ur progress might be slackened today due to limited financial resources at ur hand.D day is neutral for u overall, provided u manage to avoid defamatory factors n maintain cordial relations wid ur spouse.Don't take financial risk today.

NUMBER 2,11,20,29
D day is fine for personal grooming n beauty care.U will also feel like re decoring ur house n work place.Profit yielding day for deal of art wares, ethnic wears,brown colored objects n cosmetics.But guard against losses likely to occur due to heat, fire n involvement in heated discussions.

NUMBER 3,12,31,30
D day is fine for domestic,academic n property pursuits,architecture n vastu consultancy n for social services.But investments in new projects will be dicey today, so postpone it today.U might feel lack of cordiality in ur relations wid spouse today.

NUMBER 4,13,22,31
Maintain a dignified gap from gossipers today n don't ignore sentiments of ur spouse .Stop urself from extravagance.D day is fine for leadership, charity.Ur administrative policies will be initially met wid contradictions, but will be accepted by n by.

NUMBER 5,14,23
Personal efforts won't fetch any noteworthy change in ur status today.Due to favour of luck,d day is fine for administrative pursuits n outshining in ur group.U will like to introduce some new techniques n plans today n will be in a position to convince others.

NUMBER 6,15,24
U will enjoy sound financial n social status today.D day is fine for interior decorators, designers, models, beauticians n trend setters in fashion n glamour world.Art criticism ,carving wid gold work on camel hide will be profit yielding today.D day is fine for deal of coffee, chocolates n cosmetics.

NUMBER 7,16,25
U will lavishly spend for personal grooming n for enhancing comfort level of ur near n dear ones.The day is fine for fashion n glamour world, trend setters n models,dealers of brown colored objects n leather accessories.Deal of gold n domestic utility items will be profitable today.

NUMBER 8,17,26
D day is fine for successful discharge of ur domestic n professional responsibilities.Property dealers,architects, vastu consultants will be in profitable situation today.But strictly avoid indulgence in ego rifts.

NUMBER 9,18,27
Avoid involving urself in conflicting situations wid ur spouse.Avoid monetary transactions too.Don't lend or borrow money.D day is fine for domestic n academic pursuits.Literary circle might widen today.
These are generalized daily predictions based on ur birth number n luck number.For personalized predictions,ur running month n year also is to be considered.






Number 1

A person born under the Birth No of 1 or any of its series 1.10.19, 28 is creative, inventive,confident, strongly Individual, definite in his or her views, consequently determined in all the decisions taken. No. 1 people are ambitious and aspirant to hold top position in whatever they do and don't like to be subordinated n always try to prove their point logically n assume liabilities willingly.Benevolent at heart.

Number 2

Number two people are those who are born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month. Number 2 people are gentle by nature, have grt power to adjust,imaginative, artistic and romantic, have marked aesthetic sense and love for music, painting and literature and enjoy traveling.Inspite of being multi talented,they generally leave decision making on life partner n their financial status remains sound.


Number three people are those who are born on 3,12,21,30 of any month, are decidedly ambitious and don't like to be subordinated, are excellent in execution of commands, hard working, sincere, with a deep sense of responsibility and take good care of domestic life as well n are good at parenting.They are equally good in professional life,but d money earned is spent by them on domestic liabilities primarily n hardly spend for their own luxeries.

Number 4

Born on 4,13,22,31 of any month are unconventional in their views and opinions and instinctively rebel against rules and regulations, are sensitive and easily wounded in their feelings. Due to their habit of indulging in arguments, generally get defamation.Their intellectual level is good are inclined to innovations n off beat style of living. n Don't like to depend.

Number 5 

Born on 5,14 & the 23rd of any month are quick in thoughts and decisions and impulsive in their actions and have keen sense of making money by inventions and new ideas and are generally willing to take risk in all they undertake and have a calculative mind, have a deep sense of rhythm, music, dance. They travel a lot and especially foreign tours suit them better.They are very independent in their decisions ,but always care for their family n children.

Number 6

Born on 6th ,15th ,24th of any month are extremely magnetic, unyielding and are very determined in carrying out their plans, have aesthetic taste, are fond of rich colors, glamour, painting, music and have a love for literature and lead a luxurious or at least a very comfortable n enjoy sound financial status fame.Love life is fine n they love to enjoy every moment of life.Good at parenting too.

Number 7 

Born on 7th, 16th & 25th of any month have strongly marked individuality, artistic taste and become good writer or poets, painters and have a philosophical tinge in their work, a great leaning to occultism and are possessed with gift of intuition, are keenly interested in far- off lands.They have adjusting nature,bot won't disclose their heart easily.Have a romantic temperament n now to live n enjoy life.

Number 8

Born on 8th,17th &26th in any month have deep and very intense nature and strong sense of individuality n firm in decision making. Number 8 people are either great successors or great failures and are interested in occult studies.They like to fight battle of life themselves n don't depend on life mate.

Number 9 

Born on 9th, 18th and 27th of any month have generally tough times in their early years, but generally in the end, are successful due to their strong will, determination and guts. They usually experience many quarrels and strife in their domestic life. Number 9 people enjoy the benefit of property and other benefits associated with land.Spiritual inclination is grter in their life.

This amounts to 50% of total frame n d rest depends on what is number of ur life partner.



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