Sunday, January 13, 2019

अंक ज्योतिष के आधार पर आपका भविष्यफल दिनांक 15/1/2019 मंगलवार

अंक ज्योतिष के आधार पर आपका भविष्यफल दिनांक 15/1/2019  मंगलवार 

अंक 1,10,19,28

व्यक्तिगत प्रयास आज आपकी स्थिति में कोई विशेष बदलाव नहीं ला पाएंगे/ आज उत्साह में आकर कुछ गलत निर्णय हो सकते है, जिनके कारण कुछ अपयश का अंदेशा है/ दिखावे के लिए अनावश्यक खर्च न करें/ आज किसी नए काम में  निवेश न करें/ शांत चित से अपनी दिनचर्या पर ध्यान दें/ सफ़ेद रंग की वस्तुओं व् दुग्ध उत्पादों के वितरक आज अपेक्षाकृत अनुकूल स्थिति में रहेंगे/

अंक 2,11,20,29
आज आपका समय मनोरंजन  व् आमोद प्रमोद में बीतेगा/ फैशन व् ग्लेमरकला समीक्षा ,कलात्मकता से जुड़े लोगों के लिए अच्छा दिन है/ आज चोकोलेटकाफी, चर्म उत्पादोंसौन्दर्य प्रसाधन व् एथिनिक ज्वेलरी का विक्रय फायदा देगा/विवादस्पद मामलों से दूर रहिये/ सम्पति से जुडी कोई न्यायिक प्रक्रिया या सौदेबाजी आज प्रतिकूल परिणाम दे सकती है/

अंक 3/12/21/30
आर्थिक संसाधन अपेक्षाकृत सीमित होने के बावजूद, आप आंशिक भग्यानुकूलता से, दायित्व वहन कर पाएंगे/ आज आपका ध्यान आध्यात्म  की ओर  रहेगा/ सम्पति निवेशकधर्म गुरुभू उत्पादों, ईंधन व् बारूद के व्यापारी लाभप्रद स्थिति में रहेंगे/ आज किसी प्रकार का आर्थिक जोखिम न उठायें/ कुछ लोग आज आपकी छवि धूमिल करने की कोशिश करेंगे/ प्रेमप्रसंग में आत्मीयता की कमी खलेगी; धार्मिक क्रियाकलापों की ओर रुझान बढ़ेगा/
अंक 4,13,22,31
आज आर्थिक स्तर कुछ परेशानी का अंदेशा है और अपव्यय के कारण सहचर से भी मनमुटाव हो सकता है/ आपकी योजनाओ व् प्रशासनिक नीतियों का विरोध हो सकता है व् कुछ अपयश का भी अंदेशा है/ शेयर्स में निवेश न कीजिये और नवनिवेश के लिए भी दिन आर्थिक स्तर पर जोखिमपूर्ण है/

अंक 5,14,23
व्यक्तिगत प्रयास आज आपकी स्थिति में कोई विशेष बदलाव नहीं ला पाएंगे/ आग से कुछ नुक्सान होने की सम्भावना है/ गरमा गर्मी व् विवादास्पद मामलों से भी खुद को दूर रखिये/ आज सम्पति में निवेश न करें/ विदेश में कार्यरत प्रशासनिक अधिकारी अपनी पहचान बना पाएंगे/ कृषकवर्ग, पावर ग्रिड्स व् फायर ब्रिगेड आज कुछ असुविधाजनक स्थिति में रहेंगे/
अंक 6,15,24
आपकी रूचि कला व् रचनात्मक गतिविधियों में बढ़ेगी/ आमोद प्रमोदमनोरंजन के लिए अनुकूल दिन है/ प्रेम प्रसंग में आत्मीयता बढ़ेगी/ सेक्सोलॉजिस्ट्स, फैशन व् ग्लेमर की गतिविधियों से जुड़े लोग, कला समीक्षक व् कलाकार अपनी विशिष्ट पहचान बना पाएंगे/ भूरे रंग की वस्तुओं का विक्रय लाभप्रद रहेगा/ आर्थिक स्थिति आज सुदढ़ रहेगी/ आज सम्पति में निवेश न करें/
अंक 7,16,25
आज आप आमोद प्रमोद व् व्यक्तिगत रख रखाव पर सहर्ष व्यय करेंगे/ फैशन व् ग्लेमर से जुड़े लोग,सौन्दर्य विशेषज्ञ व् कलाकारों के लिए अनुकूल दिन है/ आर्थिक स्थिति अच्छी रहेगी/ आज किसी प्रकार के वाद विवाद में न उलझे/ सम्पति से जुडी कोई मुकदमेबाजी या सौदेबाजी आज प्रतिकूल परिणाम दे सकती है/
अंक 8,17,26
दैनिक दायित्व सामान्य रूप से पूर्ण कर पाएंगे/ आज आपका मन आध्यात्मिक कार्यों में लगेगा/ भू उत्पादों, बारूद व् ईंधन के व्यापार से लाभ होगा/ सम्पति निवेश के लिए अनुकूल दिन है/ आज आप अपनी बात मनवाने की स्थिति में  रहेंगे, परन्तु अहम पर यथासम्भव काबू रखिये/ राजनैतिक व् प्रशासनिक स्तर पर वादविवाद से यथासम्भव दूर रहिये/
अंक 9,18,27
आर्थिक स्तर पर दिन जोखिमपूर्ण है; नवनिवेश स्थगित कर दीजिये/ आज आपका कोई प्रियजन कुछ समय के लिए आप से बिछुड़ सकता है/ अपने जीवन साथी की भावनाओं को भी आहत न होने दें/आज आप सम्पति व् भू उत्पादों से फायदा प्राप्त कर सकते हैं/ धार्मिक क्रियाकलापों में आपका रुझान बढ़ेगा/ फोटो जर्नलिस्ट , भू शोधार्थी व् धार्मिक साहित्य के प्रकाशक आज अधिक अनुकूल स्थिति में रहेंगे/


NUMBER 1,10,19,28
Don't be extravagant today, just to please others. Plan and spend with a calculative mind. Beware of gossip mongers too. Avoid defamatory elements. Don't take any financial risk today.You might feel lack of cordiality in your relations with spouse today. Due to partial support rendered by luck, you might gain some recognition in sphere of administration, politics and social circle. Dealers of white coloured and dairy products objects will be comparatively in better status today. 

NUMBER 2,11,20,29
Your financial status will be prestigious. Inclination will be keener towards aesthetic and creative pursuits.The day is fine for entertainment and recreation, favours fashion and glamour world, artists and movie producers, dealers of brown colored objects. Guard against losses likely to occur due to short circuit, fire and heated discussions. Don't initiate any property transactions and legal issues related to it today.

NUMBER 3,12,21,30
Some financial limitations are likely to slacken your progress today. The day is fine for spiritual inclination of mind. Profitable day for developers, property dealers and dealers of fuel and land related yields. Maintain a dignified gap from gossipers today and avoid economic risk taking  too.

NUMBER 4,13,22,31
Financial limitations can be bothersome for you today. Your plannings and policies will be opposed today. Be on guard against defamatory elements and maintain a dignified gap from gossipers. Don't invest in shares today as the day is dicey for you on economic front.

NUMBER 5,14,23
Personal efforts won't secure any noteworthy change in your status, but daily liabilities will be managed in a routine way. Retain a cool and composed mind today and don't indulge in discussions. Don't be hopeful for positive results in pending judicial cases and postpone property transactions too.

NUMBER 6,15,24
You will enjoy sound financial and social status today. The day is fine for  sexologists, curators, art critics, fashion and glamour world, artists and art gallery owners. You can deal profitably in leather accessories, coffee, cosmetics and ethnic wears, but don't invest in property today.

NUMBER 7,16,25
The day is outstanding for aesthetic pursuits and organizing art exhibitions and fashion shows, dealing in brown colored objects and cosmetics.Today you will feel inclined towards personal grooming. Don't initiate any judicial cases today and avoid property transactions too.

NUMBER 8,17,26
Personal efforts won't fetch any noteworthy change in your status. The day is fine for spiritual bend of mind, study of philosophy, deal of land related yields and fuel. Overall, the day is smooth running for you.But, you ought to keep a check on ego. Administrative and political rifts can be troublesome for you.

NUMBER 9,18,27
Some one dear to you may part with you today for a brief period. Also be compromising in relation to your spouse. Avoid initiating financial deals today. Well plan your wallet to avoid extravagance.Today, you will badly miss a friend who is very close to your heart, but miles apart from you right now. Photo journalists, spiritual mentors,land surveyors, publishers of religious literature, dealers of agricultural yields, fuel , arms and ammunition will be in more favourable status today.



You might enjoy social glory and assertive status and domestic concern issues will also seek your prime attention. #Dealers of gold and #property# architects# interior decorators # sexologists #artists # media #photo journalists # publishers #spiritual mentors#leaders #administrative officers will be in more favourable status today.

Persons endowed with #Birth Number 6 and those having #Luck Number 1, 6,   and 9 will be more comfortable today.

#Lucky Colors for the day are white, brown and scarlet



NUMBER 1,10,19,28
Inclination will  be keener towards aesthetic and creative pursuits, outings and pleasure trips.You will enjoy cool disposition of mind.The day is fine for tourism and hospitality services,bankers and loan agencies, psychiatrists and pediatricians, sports world, music composers, cultural delegations abroad, foreign services, favours water purifier units, shipping industry, voyagers, mariners and sea traders.

NUMBER 2,11,20,29
Take good care of health. Avoid sea trading today and guard against water borne infections too. The day is fine for cultural delegations abroad, yoga, meditation and reiki, hospitality services, nursing homes, dealers and exporters of silver, handicrafts, sports material and utility items for kids. Fine day for spending quality time with your kids and guests. Some foreign links can be beneficial to you today.

NUMBER 3,12,21,30
Your aesthetic and creative mind will be more expressive today. Shipping sector, water purifier units, dealers of seafood, pearls and silver will be in more profits today. Some tension might arise today due to unexpected guests or some problem of your kids may cause you tension; endeavour to tackle it patiently. Avoid mobility today and don't put money in circulation.

NUMBER 4,13,22,31
You will be enthusiastic today.The day is fine for applying for foreign services. Rewarding day for chartered accountants, musicians, lyricists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, favours deal of sea related yields, deal and export of sports material, utility items for kids, cement, mercury and ash.

NUMBER 5,14,23
Personal efforts won't secure any noteworthy change in your status.Attend to your intuitions today. You will enjoy the day in company of your kids and entertaining guests from abroad.The day is fine for meditation and yoga centres, maternity homes, pediatricians and psychiatrists, hospitality services, tourism sector, choreographers and event managers.

NUMBER 6,15,24
The day is smooth sailing for you; just focus on your routine activities. Petty joys derived from unhindered attainment of daily targets are all yours.Try to manage sometime for long pending commitments.

NUMBER 7,16,25
You will be in a cool mood today. The day id fine for stretching wings of your imagination wider. Aesthetic and creative pursuits will seek your attention. The day is fine for marine adventures, sea trading, export of sea shells, pearls, cement  mercury. Fine day for psychic studies. You are likely to suffer due to some air generated infection today and some hindrance is likely in air travels too.

NUMBER 8,17,26
The day is neutral, without any remarkable change for you. Just attend to your routine activities.Try to devote sometime to long pending social commitments and break the monotony of the day.

NUMBER 9,18,27
The day is neutral for you, provided you retain a balanced and composed mind and avoid mobility too.Don't put money in circulation today.Some unexpected guests and worries related to your kids might upset you.



Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 7 and Luck Number 2 

Individuals #born on 16 th have strongly marked individuality, artistic taste and become good writer or poets, painters and have a philosophical tinge in their work, a great leaning to occultism and are possessed with gift of intuition, are keenly interested in far- off land.They don't disclose their heart easily.

Their birth number 7 is derived from compound number 1+6 denotes that they will enjoy qualities of number 1 and  6 as well, but qualities of number 7 will be more dominant

Individuals endowed with luck number 2 are destined to have an all rounder sort of personality and adjust well according to situation.

First year of their life is neutral and calendar year 2019 fetches many special surprises for them, but  It is a very favourable year.for luck.

To know more about Number 7,1, 6 and 2, care to view




The day fetches you cool disposition of mind and your social, professional status will be praiseworthy today. Fine day for media, translators#airlines#shipping industry#hospitality services#event managers#dealers of silver# pearls# sea related yields# sports material#utility items for kids.

Persons endowed with #Birth Number 7 and those having #Luck Number 7, 5,  2 and 3 will be more comfortable today.

Lucky colors for the day are silvery grey, pearl and pastel colors.




Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 6 and Luck Number 1

Kids born on 15th are extremely magnetic, unyielding and are very determined in carrying out their plans, have aesthetic taste, are fond of rich colors, glamour, painting, music and have a love for literature and lead a luxurious or at least a very comfortable life

Since,their Birth Number 6 is derived from component numbers 1 and 5,they will enjoy basic traits of these number too, but traits of Number 6 will be more dominant in them.

Persons endowed with Luck Number 1 are destined to assume responsibilities in professional as well as social field and outshine in their sphere.They command the situation.

First year of their life is neutral and Calendar year 2019 fetches no significant changes in their status; rather it is a neutral year for them.

To know more about Number 6,1, 5 and  2 , care to view our site




You will be on heels throughout the day and might travel too. You might enjoy an aesthetic bend of mind.The day is more fine for spiritual mentors and #yoga trainers#tourism sector# media and # journalists # spiritual mentors#event managers #dealers of silver#gold and handicrafts.

Persons bestowed with #Birth Number 5 and those having #Luck Number 5, 3, 2,7 and 9 will be more comfortable today.

#Lucky colours for the day are white, off white, golden yellow , scarlet and silvery grey.

Rajni Chhabra