Wednesday, August 14, 2024



NUMBER 1, 10, 19, 28

Some financial  limitations are likely to slow down your progress today. Avoid indulgence in gossips and try to maintain sweet relations with your spouse. Don't invest in shares and lotteries at all. Don't initiate any ventures; just focus on routine with a cool mind.

NUMBER 2, 11, 20, 29

Professional, social and domestic status will be sound. The day is fine for change in job, interior decoration; favours fashion and glamour world. Gynecologists, sexologists academicians, architects, dealers of cosmetics, brown colored objects, leather accessories, gold, domestic utility items will be in more favourable status today. Fine day for dating and proposing.

NUMBER 3, 12, 21, 30

Well plan your wallet before shopping; extravagance might lead to bitter relations with your spouse. The day is fine for domestic, academic and property pursuits, but avoid initiation of investments today and don't invest at all in shares. Fine day for gynecologists, social activists, architects, dealers of residential property, gold, stationery and domestic utility items.

NUMBER 4, 13, 22, 31

Maintain a gap from gossip mongers and endeavour to have pleasant relations with your spouse. The day is very  risky for investments in shares. Just focus on routine today and don't initiate any investments and  new projects. Due to support rendered by luck, explorers, trend setters, scientists, inventors and social activists will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 5,14, 23

Daily targets will be attained in a routine way. The day is fine for academic, domestic and property pursuits, dealers of gold, property and domestic appliances, housing and education loan agencies. Gynecologists, social activists and academicians will be more comfortable today. Your social say will enhance.

NUMBER 6,15, 24

You will be able to manage extra time and expenses for personal grooming and for enhancing comfort level of your family. The day is fine for following aesthetic pursuits, favours  academicians, sexologists and gynecologists, fashion and glamour world, advertisement agencies, deal of  residential property, gold and ethnic jewellery. leather accessories and brown colored objects.

NUMBER 7, 16, 25

Professional and social status will be more sound today. Fine day for dating and proposing. The day is suitable for shift in job and change of residence, interior decoration, deal of gold, domestic utility items, stationery and art material, golden and brown colored objects.

NUMBER 8,17, 26

Daily targets will be attained in a routine way. The day is favourable for domestic, academic and property pursuits, deal of gold and domestic appliances. You will enjoy enhanced social say. More favourable day for gynecologists, social activists and writers, dealers of gold, stationery, domestic utility items and residential property.

NUMBER 9,18,27

Daily targets will be attained in a routine way. The day is favourable for domestic, academic and property pursuits, deal of gold and domestic appliances. More favourable day for gynecologists, social activists and writers.Some financial  limitations are likely to slow down your progress today. Avoid indulgence in gossips and try to maintain sweet relations with your spouse. Don't invest in shares and lotteries at all. Don't initiate any ventures; just focus on routine with a cool mind.

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