Wednesday, August 14, 2024



NUMBER 1, 10, 19, 28

The day is hectic and fruitful for you and you will be on heels throughout the day. Fine day for availing your foreign links. Favourable day for  moving abroad for new job avenues, higher studies, participation in sports and cultural events , export business expansion and consultancy services. Pediatricians, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, nursing homes and day care centers, hospitality services and air lines, tourist guides, foreign travel agencies artists and exporters will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 2, 11, 20, 29

The day is very blissful for you. Personal efforts will be highly rewarding and luck will also fetch you some boons. Chartered accountants, banking sector, and loan agencies, sports correspondents, physiotherapists, psycho analysts, pediatricians, artists, exporters of silver, art wares, sports material, utility items for kids and silvery grey objects will be in more comfortable status today. Fine day for moving abroad and also for facing walk in interviews.

NUMBER 3, 12, 21, 30

The day is bothersome for you. You might be disturbed due to mobility plans of your kids abroad and also due to unexpected arrival of guests whom you find difficult to manage. Also, avoid putting money in circulation and don't lend money to anybody, or else you will find it bothersome to recover. Try to retain a cool and composed mind. However, due to partial support rendered by luck, you will be able to manage your daily liabilities. Dealers of gold, stationery and domestic utility items, gynecologists and academicians might earn better today.

NUMBER 4, 13, 22, 31

The day is bountiful for you, both due to fruitful personal efforts and support rendered by luck. You might plan some outings and entertain friends as well .Fine day for shifting abroad for new job, higher technical and management studies, export business expansion, participation in cultural and sports delegations. More fine day for nursing homes, day care centers, pediatricians, psychiatrists, trend setters, bankers, chartered accountants and employment agencies. Dealers and exporters of  silvery grey objects, sports material, musical instruments and utility items for kids will be more comfortable.

NUMBER 5,14, 23

You will be benefitted by your intuitions as well as by your calculative mind and management skills. The day is hectic and you will be on heels throughout the day due to professional as well as social commitments. Exporters, employment agencies, consultancy services, psychiatrists, pediatricians, cultural and sports delegations sent abroad will be more comfortable. Fine day for moving abroad for settling permanently.

NUMBER 6,15, 24

The day is neutral for you. Personal efforts won't fetch any noteworthy change in your status , but  you will get some support from luck. Enjoy the petty joys derived from unhindered attainment of daily targets. Relax and re energize yourself. Interior decorators, architects, gynecologists, academicians, dealers of gold and residential property will be comfortable today.

NUMBER 7, 16, 25

The day is wonderful for result of personal efforts and luck will also render you partial support. Sports world, exporters, psycho analysts, pediatricians, chartered accountants, bankers, loan and travel agents, day care centers, sports correspondents, event managers, choreographers, gynecologists, architects, dealers of gold and residential property will be more comfortable today. 

UMBER 8,17, 26

Personal efforts won't secure any significant change in your status, but you might get partial support from luck today.. Just mind your routine with a cool and composed mind. The day is neutral, but smooth sailing for you.  Academicians, gynecologists, architects, dealers of gold and residential property will be more comfortable today. 

NUMBER 9,18, 27

Try to retain a cool and composed mind and take good care of your mental health. Some unexpected guests that you find difficult to handle might upset your plans. Some problem related to mobility of your kid might disturb you as well. Don't put money in circulation and don't lend money to anybody today, or else you might face problem at the time of recovering it. Don't initiate projects. Just focus on daily liabilities. Academicians, gynecologists, architects, dealers of gold and residential property will be more comfortable today, due to support from luck.

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