Monday, August 26, 2024



NUMBER 1, 10, 19, 28

Your intellectual level and management skills will be keener today. Fine day for moving abroad. The day boosts your urge for creativity, leadership and charity. The day is fine for political and administrative pursuits; favours sports correspondents, event managers, pediatricians, psychiatrists, exporters, chartered accountants and sports world, dealers of utility items for kids, sports material, cement, mercury and dairy products. Be more mindful in driving today. Care more for viewpoint and sentiments of your elders.

NUMBER 2, 11, 20, 29

Personal efforts won't secure any noteworthy change in your status, but luck will render you ample support. Fine day for availing support from your friends and foreign links. Time spent with kids and guests will be memorable. You will enjoy enhanced social prestige. Cosmetic surgeons, architects, movers and packers, dealers of silver, diamonds, vehicles and petrol, publishers of religious literature will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 3, 12, 21, 30

Personal efforts won't fetch any noteworthy change in your status, but luck will fetch you several favours. The day is fine for spiritual pursuits and architecture, deal of iron, coal and petrol. Some problems related to your kids and unexpected arrival of guests might lead to shuffling of your prior plans. Don't give loan to anybody today.

NUMBER 4, 13, 22, 31

Try to retain a check on your ego and avoid indulgence in political and administrative rifts. Fine day for availing your foreign links. Pediatricians, psycho analysts, sports correspondents, dealers of kids utility items and silvery grey objects, sports material and musical instruments will be more comfortable today. Care more for sentiments of your elders and be more mindful in driving as well.

NUMBER 5,14,23

Your management ability and intellectual skills might fetch you some recognition in administrative and political sphere. You will be also benefitted by your intuitions. Fine day for sending cultural and political delegations abroad. Choreographers, event managers, sports world, politicians, psychiatrists and pediatricians, exporters, bankers and hospitality services will be more comfortable today. Care more for viewpoint of your elders. Neglecting traffic rules can be bothersome for you.

NUMBER 6.15.24

The day is neutral for you. Neither personal efforts, nor luck is going to fetch you any noteworthy favour for you today. Unhindered attainment of daily targets will fetch you cool disposition of mind. Just focus on routine and enjoy the petty joys scattered around you.

NUMBER 7, 16, 25

Personal efforts won't fetch any noteworthy change in your status,  but luck will be supporting you today. Dealers of silvery grey items, sports material, mercury and utility items for kids, diamonds, vehicles, petrol , building material and surgical apparatus might gain better . Choreographers, psychiatrists, physiotherapists, chartered accountants and sports correspondents will be more comfortable today. fine day for availing your foreign links.

NUMBER 8,17, 26

Avoid indulgence in administrative and political discussions and try to retain a check on your ego. Also assure purity of milk products before consuming as there are chances of food poisoning. Dealers of white colored objects might gain less today. Just focus on routine and don't initiate investments. However, due to partial support from luck, dealers of diamonds, petrol and automobiles, surgeons, transporters and architects will be more comfortable. Spiritual inclination of mind will be keener.

NUMBER 9,18,27

The day is neutral,  just focus on routine. Neither personal efforts, nor luck is going to secure any remarkable change in your status. Some problem related to your kids and unexpected arrival of guests might lead to shuffling of your prior plans. Don't give loan to anybody today. You will be able to devote more time to religious pursuits.

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