Monday, August 19, 2024



NUMBER 1, 10, 19, 28

Fine day for stretching wings of your imagination wider. You will enjoy cool disposition of mind.  Fine day for following aesthetic, creative and social service pursuits. The day is fine for air services, entertainment, recreation, aesthetic pursuits, media, journalism, deal of silver and art wares. 

NUMBER 2, 11, 20, 29

The day is fine for aesthetic activities, aviation, tourism, architecture, deal of  silver and art wares. Air travels and tourism sector, artists, media and translators will be more comfortable today. Don't transact property today. Avoid indulgence in heated arguments.

NUMBER 3, 12, 21, 30

You will enjoy cool disposition of mind. The day is fine for assertion, mobility, media, architecture, interior decoration and renovation of your house and office, deal of fuel, multi colour precious stones, silver, diamonds and building material. Personal efforts will be highly rewarding  Surgeons, photo journalists, developers , agriculturists will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 4, 13, 22, 31

The day boosts your urge for creativity; favours for amusement, recreation, tourism sector, air travels and hospitality services, deal of silver and art wares. You might plan some excursions today. Artists, media and inventors might gain more recognition today.

NUMBER 5,14, 23

The day is neutral, provided you avoid ego conflicts. Retain a check on your mercurial mind. Try to create better understanding level with your elders. Don't initiate ant legal issues or transaction related to property. Don't initiate projects; just focus on daily liabilities with a composed mind.

NUMBER 6,15, 24

The day is neutral, with no specific change in your status today. Unhindered attainment of daily targets will fetch you cool disposition of mind. Strictly avoid indulgence in heated discussions and don't initiate any legal cases related to property today.

NUMBER 7, 16, 25

Take good care of health and diet today. You might suffer due to some allergy or air generated infection. Air travel sector might suffer some slack today. The day is fine for architecture, deal of building materials, diamonds, coal, iron, petrol and automobiles. You might be able to manage sometime for spiritual pursuits, yoga and meditation. Postpone property transaction today.

NUMBER 8,17, 26

Daily targets will be attained in a smooth sailing way. The day is fine for assertion and stability, spiritual inclination of mind.  Media, photo journalists, spiritual mentors and vastu consultants might gain more recognition. Better profit yielding day for deal of fuel, agricultural yields and multi colour precious stones.

NUMBER 9,18,27

Unhindered attainment of daily targets will fetch you cool disposition of mind. The day is fine for religious inclination of mind, vastu consultancy, sooth saying, yoga and meditation, deal of  multi colour precious stones and fuel; fine for assertion and brings you enhanced social say. Surgeons, horticulturists, geologists, defence services and commandos will be more comfortable today.

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