Sunday, July 7, 2024




NUMBER 1,10,19,28
The day is neutral for personal performances. Some defamation is likely today. Well plan your budget before shopping; extravagance might lead u to rift with your spouse. Just focus on routine activities and don't initiate investments as the day is dicey on financial front.

NUMBER 2,11,20,29
Keep a check on your temper today and avoid initiating any legal case related to your property. The day is fine for following aesthetic pursuits and for activities related to fashion and glamour; deal of brown colored objects, cosmetics, leather accessories, coffee and chocolates will be extra paying today. Artists, curators and sexologists will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 3,12,21,30
Professional and domestic liabilities will be managed smoothly in spite of some financial impediments. The day is dicey on economic front. Don't initiate investments today. You might feel lack of cordiality in your relation with spouse. Favourable day for spiritual mentors, developers, defence and judicial services, dealers of land related yields and agricultural land.

NUMBER 4,13,22,31
 Personal performances won't bring any specific change in your status today. Also, maintain a dignified gap from gossipers. You might feel lack of cordiality in relation with your spouse. Some defamation is also likely today. The  day is dicey for investments in shares.

NUMBER 5,14,23
Take good care of physical and mental health. 
You might suffer from high fever or some blood related ailment today. Endeavour to retain a cool mind and also avoid initiating any judicial cases related to litigation of property today. Agriculturists and power grids might face some problems.

NUMBER 6,15,24
You should be more careful in your diet and take good care of health. Retain a check on temper and try to soothe your mind by following some aesthetic and creative pursuits. Fine day for fashion and glamour world, sexologists, art gallery owners, dealers of brown colored objects, cosmetics and ethnic jewellery. Some judicial case related to property or property litigation can be troublesome for you today

NUMBER 7,16,25
Don't neglect your health issues today. You should keep a strict check on your temper today and also avoid initiating any judicial cases related to property. Fine day for dealers of coffee, tobacco, cosmetics, ethnic jewelry and leather accessories. Sexologists, art gallery owners, fashion and glamour world will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 8,17, 26
You will be able to act upon your independent decisions. You will be inclined towards spiritualism and study of occult sciences. Deal of multi colored, fuel and land related yields will fetch you good gain today. You will develop a philosophical attitude.

NUMBER 9,18,27
You will enjoy an assertive status, though some opponents might try to defame you. You might feel some bitterness in your relations with spouse today. The day is speculative on financial front; don't invest at all in shares. Developers, land surveyors, dealers of land related yields, arms and ammunition will fetch extra gains today.

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