Sunday, July 28, 2024




NUMBER 1,10,19,28
The day fetches you cool disposition of mind, with an inclination towards aesthetic pursuits and social concern issues. Fine day for media, artists, aviation services and tourism sector, dealers of silver and art wares.

NUMBER 2,11, 20, 29
The day is fine for asserting yourself and secures you social and professional stability in status. Favourable day for aviation services and tourism sector, architects, builders, transporters,  publishers, media, artists, journalists, spiritual mentors, cosmetic surgeons, dealers of silver, diamonds , art wares, You might manage sometimes for outings and excursions.

NUMBER 3,12,21,30
The day is fine for asserting yourself in public life and fetches you professional stability too. Fine for facing competitions and favours for aesthetic and creative pursuits, journalism, aviation ,touring and architecture. Fine day for dealing in petrol, vehicles, silver, diamonds, art wares, printing ink and coal. Spiritual inclination of mind will be keener.

NUMBER 4,13,22,31
The day is fine for stretching wide your wings of imagination. The day favours artists, aviation sector, dealers of silver, art wares and handicrafts You might face some ego rifts and administrative clashes today. Endeavour  to retain a composed mind and also care for viewpoint of your seniors and elders. Be more mindful in driving.

NUMBER 5,14,23
Personal efforts won't secure any noteworthy changes in your status and luck, too won't fetch you any special favour to you today. Try to retain a check on your mercurial mind and avoid indulgence in heated discussions. Try to devote sometime to charity and social concern issues.

NUMBER 6,15,24
The day is neutral for you and does not fetch any remarkable change in your status today. Just focus on routine, relax and re energize yourself. Don't look forward to any special favour from luck today. Unhindered accomplishment of daily targets will fetch you satiety.

NUMBER 7,16, 25
Take good care of health and guard against air generated infections. Aviation services might face some obstacles today. Luck will render you some support today. Dealers of fuel, vehicles, diamonds and surgical apparatus will be more comfortable today. Spiritual inclination of mind will be keener. 

NUMBER 8,17,26 
The day fetches you an assertive status and you will enjoy dominating position in professional issues. Fine day for spiritual pursuits, religious sermons, vastu consultancy and architecture, deal of fuel, spices, land related yields,  publishing material. Media and photo journalists will be more influential today.

NUMBER 9,18,27
Personal efforts won't secure any noteworthy change in your status today, but luck will fetch you an assertive status and professional stability. The day makes you inclined towards spiritualism and study of philosophy and occult sciences. Better profit fetching day agriculturists, horticulturists,  for dealers of fuel, petrol, black colored objects and diamonds . .

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