Wednesday, September 7, 2016


NUMBER 1,10,19,28
Try to retain a check on your ego and be more considerate to viewpoint of your elders and seniors.Be more cautious in driving and  postpone buying vehicle today.Daily targets will be managed in a routine way, but don't initiate projects today.
NUMBER 2,11,20,29
You will enjoy enhanced social say and prestigious professional status. Domestic liabilities will be managed in a smooth sailing way. Architects, interior decorators, writers, social activists, gynecologists,transporters, media, publishers, dealers of gold, property and domestic utility items will be more comfortable today.Spiritual inclination of mind will be keener and chances are bright for pilgrimage.
NUMBER 3,12,21,30
Professional, social and domestic status will be prestigious. your opinions will be held in great esteem. Architects, media , surgeons, gynecologists, dealers of diamonds, gold, property ,petrol and vehicles, transporters, media, publishers and spiritual mentors will be more comfortable today.
NUMBER 4,13,22,31
Try to retain a check on your ego and be more caring towards viewpoint and sentiments of your better half. Don't buy vehicle today and be more mindful to traffic rules. Just focus on daily routine and don't initiate projects.
NUMBER 5,14,23
Try to retain a check on your mercury mind and appreciate viewpoint of your elders and seniors.Be more cautious while driving. Due to support from luck, your domestic and professional liabilities will be managed in spite of a bit of obstacles. Housing and education loan agencies, academicians, social activists, dealers of gold and property will be more comfortable today.
NUMBER 6,15,24
Personal efforts won't secure any noteworthy change in your status, but daily targets will be managed in a smooth sailing way. Architects, academicians, domestic utility services, dealers of gold and property, social activists and gynecologists will be more comfortable today.You will be able to manage some extra time for enhancing comfort level of your family.
NUMBER 7,16,25
Personal efforts will be highly rewarding and luck will also fetch some bounties for you. Professional and social status will be dignified. Fine day for participating in competitions. Architects, transporters,dealers of vehicles, petrol, diamonds, gold and property , surgeons, nursing homes, spiritual mentors, media and publishers will be more comfortable today.
NUMBER 8,17,26
You will be able to take and implement firm minded decisions. Professional, social and domestic status will be prestigious. Spiritual inclination of mind will be keener and chances are bright for pilgrimage. Dealers of fuel, vehicles, mustard oil, gold and diamonds,coal and printing ink will be more comfortable today. Surgeons,gynecologists, social activists and  publishers might gain more recognition today.
NUMBER 9,18,27
You will be able to take decisions independently and will enjoy enhanced social say and greater professional stability.Dealers of gold,diamonds, property, petrol, vehicles and building material, vastu consultants, sooth sayers, publishers,pilgrims, surgeons, social activists and spiritual mentors will be more comfortable today.

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