Thursday, December 19, 2019



The day boosts your innovative mind and creative skills. Try to retain a check on your ego and be more careful in driving  too. A hectic day overall. #Dealers of dairy products#social activists#scientists and #publishers will be more comfortable.

Persons bestowed with #Birth Number 4 and those having #Luck Number 4, 2, 7 and 1 will be more comfortable today.

#Lucky colors for the day are  milky white and pastel colours.




NUMBER 1,10,19,28
D day boosts ur urge for leadership,charity n social service.U will play a leading role in activities of social concern.N.G.O.s dealers of white colored objects will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 2,11,20,29
D day does not fetch any remarkable change in ur status;but daily activities will be performed unhindered.U might manage sometime for entertainment n social commitments.

NUMBER 3,12,31,30
D day is a routine one for u,widout any notable change.U will manage to discharge ur liabilities smoothly.Relax n rejuvenate ur energies.

NUMBER 4,13,22,31
D day makes u inclined towards innovations,adventures n experiment n boosts ur urge for leadership too.Deal of milk products n white colored objects will be extra profit fetching today.Fine day for getting ur products patented.

NUMBER 5,14,23

U will lead in activities of social concern n charity n manage support of ur frds n sub ordinates.Fine day for foreign administrative services n for dealers of white colored objects.

NUMBER 6,15,24
D day is a routine one for u.Petty joys derived from unhindered accomplishment of daily pursuits will give satisfaction.

NUMBER 7,16,25
D day does not fetch any remarkable change in ur status;but daily routine will be performed smoothly.Relax n re energize urself.

NUMBER 8,17,26
Avoid indulgence in ego rifts n administrative clash of opinions.Try to follow policy of co ordination. Endeavour to understand n appreciate viewpoint of ur elders.

NUMBER 9,18,27
D day is peaceful for u n u will manage ur daily chores perfectly.D day does not fetch any noteworthy change for u.Try to socialize to kill d boredom.



Kids landing on the  stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 4 and Luck Number 1

Persons born on 22 are unconventional in their views and opinions and instinctively rebel against rules and regulations, are sensitive and easily wounded in their feelings. Due to their habit of indulging in arguments, generally get defamation.They have calculative  mind and good reasoning ability.

Since,their number 4 is derived from combination of 2+2,they will enjoy basic traits of number 2 as well.

Persons endowed with Luck number 1 are destined to be ambitious, dominating, lead and command the situations.

First year of their life is favourable for them and Calendar Year 2019 fetches no special change in their status; rather it is a neutral year.




NUMBER 1,10,19,28
D day is neutral for personal attainments n does not fetch any specific change in ur status.Be more alert in driving n be more attentive to feelings of ur elders n seniors.

NUMBER 2,11,20,29
D day makes u inclined towards interior decoration of ur home n office.Domestic n professional,literary n academic activities will be performed smoothly.Invest in gold n diamonds today.Postpone property transactions today.

NUMBER 3,12,31,30
Domestic n professional liabilities will be ur prime concern.Investment in gold n property will pay in d long run.Transporters,surgeons,dealers of diamond,gold,petrol,automobiles,printing ink, iron  n agricultural land might gain better today.

NUMBER 4,13,22,31
D day is a routine one.Just focus on daily pursuits n relax.Petty accomplishments of d day will keep u satisfied.Try to manage some time for entertainment n outings,but u ought to be more careful in driving.

NUMBER 5,14,23
Domestic n professional liabilities will be smoothy discharged n investment in gold will be safe.Literary activities will also earn u name.Education n housing loan agencies,dealers of domestic utility items might gain better today.

NUMBER 6,15,24
Fine day for domestic n academic pursuits.U will willingly spend to add to comfort level of ur family.Ur social say will enhance today.Invest in gold n don't move property today.

NUMBER 7,16,25
D day boosts ur social prestige.Domestic n professional liabilities will be effectively discharged.Social n literary circle will also enhance.Invest in gold n diamonds.Don't invest in property today.

NUMBER 8,17,26
Spiritual pursuits will seek ur attention n chances are bright for pilgrimage.Diamond,petrol n mustard oil dealers will gain better today.Make long term investments in gold n agricultural land.

NUMBER 9,18,27
D day is fine for domestic n professional liabilities.Defence services,photo journalists,developers,architects,publishers,gold n property dealers n horticulturists will enjoy d boon of stars today

अंक ज्योतिष के आधार पर आपका भविष्यफल दिनांक 21/12/2019 शनिवार

अंक ज्योतिष के आधार पर आपका भविष्यफल दिनांक 21/12/2019 शनिवार

 अंक १
आज का दिन सामन्य रूप से/बिना किसी उलेखनीय बदलाव के बीतेगा/शांत चित से दैनिक गतिविधियों पर ही ध्यान दीजिये/वाहन  चालन मैं विशेष सतर्कता बरतिए/बुजुर्गों की भावनाओ का विशेष  सम्मान कीजिये/
अंक २
आज घरेलू व व्यवसायिक दायित्व बखूबी निभ जायेंगे/साहित्य व अध्ययन,प्रकाशन ,समाज सेवा से जुड़े लोग विशिष्ट पहचान बना पाएंगे/घर व आफिस की आन्तरिक सज्जा मैं रूचि रहेगी/सोने,हीरे,पेट्रोल व वाहन का व्यापार आतिरिक्त लाभ देगा/आग व बहसबाजी से हानि का अंदेशा है/
अंक ३
आज सामाजिक प्रतिष्ठा बढेगी व व्यवसायिक स्थिति सुद्ढ़ होगी/हीरे,सोने,सम्पति,पेट्रोल,सरसों के तेल,गैंदे के फूलों के व्यापारी विशेष लाभप्रद स्थिति मैं रहेंगे/साहित्यिक व आध्यात्मिक गतिविधियाँ आपकी रूचि का केंद्र रहेंगी/
अंक ४
आज व्यक्तिगत प्रयास आपकी स्थिति मैं कोई विशेष बदलाव नहीं ला पाएंगे/वाहन चालन मैं विशेष सतर्कता बरतिए/अपने उच्च अधिकारियों  व बुजुर्गों की अवहेलना न कीजिये/
अंक ५
आज आप घरेलू व कारोबारी जिम्मेदारियां सहजता से पूरी कर पाएंगे,परन्तु स्वभाव मैं विनम्रता ज़रूरी है/आज सम्पति से जुड़ी कोई न्यायिक प्रक्रिया आज शुरू न कीजिये/वाहन चालन मैं भी सावधानी बरतिए/
अंक ६
आज घरेलू व कारोबारी जिम्मेदारियां आपकी प्राथमिकता रहेंगी/सोने मैं निवेश लाभ देगा/सम्पति से जुड़ी किसी मुकदमेबाजी मैं आज न उलझिए/क्रोध से हानि हो सकती है/
अंक ७
आज आप साहित्य,समाज सेवा व गृहस्थ क्षेत्र मैं नाम कमाएंगे/मीडिया,प्रकाशक,पेट्रोल,वाहन,हीरे ,लोहे के विक्रेता आतिरिक्त लाभप्रद स्थिति मैं रहेंगे/
अंक ८
आज आपका सामाजिक प्रभुत्व बढेगा/आप अपनी बात सुगमता से मनवाने की स्थिति मैं रहेंगे/हीरे,पेट्रोल,सुनहरी व श्याम वर्ण की वस्तुओं का व्यापार आतिरिक्त लाभ देगा/आध्यात्म  मैं रुझान रहेगा व घर मैं मांगलिक कार्य होंगे/
अंक ९
आज सामाजिक स्थिति अधिक सम्मानजनक रहेगी/धार्मिक व साहित्यिक गतिविधियों मैं समय दे पाएंगे/कारोबारी व घरेलू गतिविधियाँ प्रभाव पूर्ण ढंग से पूरी हो पाएंगी/

#NUMEROLOGY TIPS FOR 21/12/2019 & 22/12/2019


Domestic, professional  and social liabilities will consume most of your time, but you will be able to manage sometime for aesthetic, social and spiritual pursuits. Dealers of property,gold,diamond, precious stones, agricultural yields will be in more favourable status today.

Persons endowed with #Birth Number 3 and those having #Luck Number 3, 6 and 9will be more comfortable today.

#Lucky colors for the day are golden yellow, black and scarlet.


#NUMEROLOGY FOR #NEWBORNS ON 21/12/2019 & 22/12/2019


Newborns landingon the stage of Earth today are bestowed with Birth Number 3 and LuckNumber 9.

Number three people are decidedly ambitious and don't like to be subordinated, are excellent in execution of commands, hard working, sincere, with a deep sense of responsibility and take good care of domestic life as well.

Since their Birth Number 3 is derived from by adding component numbers 2 and 1,they will enjoy basic traits of these numbers as well, but traits of Number 3 will be prominent in them.

Persons endowed with Luck number 9 are destined to strive hard to achieve their goals in earlier phase of life, but are comfortable in later years of life. They are spiritually inclined generally.

First year of their life is neutral for them and calendar year 2019 fetches many special favour for them.; it is a blissful  year for luck.

To know more about Number 3, 5 and 9 care to view our site