Tuesday, December 15, 2020

#NUMEROLOGY FOR #NEWBORNS ON 17/12/2020 to 19/12/2020




Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 8 and Luck Number 6
Persons born on 17 th of  any month have deep and very intense nature and strong sense of individuality. Number 8 people are either great successors or great failures and are interested in occult studies.

Since their Birth Number 8 is derived from Component Numbers 1 and 7, they will enjoy basic traits of Number 1 and 7 too, but traits of Number 8 will be more prominent in them.

Persons bestowed with Luck Number 6 are destined to impress others with magnetic charm of their personality. They generally enjoy a luxurious life and excel in field of arts and aesthetics.

First year of their life is not pleasant for them and Calendar Year 2020 is bringing no noteworthy changes for them ; it is a neutral year for luck.

To know more about Number 8 ,1, 7, 6 and 9 ,care to view our site www.numeropath.com


Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 9 and Luck Number 7

Persons born on 18th  have generally tough times in their early years, but generally in the end, are successful due to their strong will, determination and guts. They usually experience many quarrels and strife in their domestic life. Number 9 people enjoy the benefit of property and other benefits associated with land.

Since their Birth Number 9 is derived from component numbers 1 and 8, they will enjoy personality traits of these two numbers as well, but traits of Number 9 will be more dominant.

Persons endowed with Luck Number 7 are destined to have adjusting temperament n all rounder sort of personality and generally get benefit from foreign lands

First year of their life is neutral and Calendar Year 2020 fetches no positive changes in their status; it is an adverse year for  them for luck.

To know more about Number 9, 1, 8 and 6, care to view our site www.numeropath.com


Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 1 and Luck Number 8

A person born under the Birth No of 1 is creative, inventive, strongly Individual, definite in his or her views, consequently determined in all the decisions taken. No. 1 people are ambitious and aspirant to hold top position in whatever they do and don't like to be subordinated.

Since persons born on 19th derive their Number 1 by adding their component Numbers 1 and 9,they enjoy basic traits of Number 9 as well,but traits of Number 1 will be more prominent in them.

Persons endowed with Luck number 8 are destined to be ambitious and strive hard to achieve their goals. 

First Year of kids born today is favourable and Calendar year 2020 fetches no favours for them; at all; rather it is an adverse  year for luck.

To know more about Number 1, 9 and 8 , care to view our site www.numeropath.com

#NUMEROLOGY TIPS FOR 17/12/2020 to 19/12/2020


You will be more inclined to spiritual pursuits#yoga and meditation
#Dealers of property #gold # ethnic and #diamond jewellery# surgeons# gynecologists # architects# transporters #future tellers # media # publishers and # Spiritual mentors will be more comfortable today.

Persons endowed with Birth Number 8 and those having Luck Number 8, 9  and 6 will be in more favourable status today.

#Lucky colors for the day are black, golden yellow and chocolaty.


Domestic and professional liabilities will consume most of your time and your opinions will be valued in professional sphere too, but be polite in your behaviour and don't tend to be over assertive. 
#Media # photo journalists# shipping industry # fashion and glamour world #surgeons #spiritual mentors# dealers of vehicles #fuel #multi coloured precious stones# agricultural land # land related yields and # sea related yields will be in more favourable status today.

Persons endowed with #Birth Number 9 and those having# Luck Number 9, 6 and 7 will be more comfortable today.

#Lucky colors for the day are scarlet, off white and brown.



Your management and reasoning skills will be keener and the day boosts your urge for charity and social service. Dealers of white  and  black colored objects#diamond#petrol and# automobiles, surgeons, architects and media will be more comfortable today.

Persons endowed with Birth Number 1 and those having Luck Number 1, 2, 3  and 8  will be in more comfortable status today.

Lucky colors for the day are pearl, golden yellow, white and off white.