Friday, September 29, 2023

NUMEROLOGY FOR NEWBORNS ON 1/10/2023 & 2/10/2023


Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth number 1 and Luck Number 9

A person born under the Birth Number 1 is creative, inventive, strongly Individual, definite in his or her views, consequently determined in all the decisions taken. Number 1 people are ambitious and aspirant to hold top position in whatever they do and don't like to be subordinated. They are broad minded and  generous.

Persons endowed with Luck Number 9 are destined to act in independent capacity and generally have to struggle in earlier phase of life, but settle well in later phase of life. Property gains are always in store for them.

First year of their life is very pleasant for then and Calendar year 2023 fetches no special  favours for them; rather it is a neutral year for luck.

To know more about Number 1 and 9, care to view our site



Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 2 and Luck Number 1

Birth Number 2 people are gentle by nature, imaginative, artistic and romantic, have marked aesthetic sense and love for music, painting and literature and enjoy traveling. They have an adjusting temperament and all rounder sort of  personality.

Persons endowed with Luck Number 1 are destined to command the situation and outshine in their circle. 

First year of their life is neutral and Calendar Year 2023 is a bountiful year for their luck, without many significant change.

To know more about Number 2 and 1, care to visit

Rajni Chhabra

NUMEROLOGY TIPS FOR 1/10/2023 & 2/10/2023



Your intellectual and management skills will be keener today and you will be more manipulative today. Domestic and social liabilities will also consume your time.  #Sports world #hospitality services# politicians #social activists #dealers of white #silvery grey and #multicoloured items might gain better.

Persons endowed with Birth Number 1 and those having Luck Number 1, 5 and 9 will be more comfortable today.

Lucky colors for the day are  white, silvery grey, electric blue and crimson.



The day is hectic for you. You might socialize and plan #pleasure trips as well. #Media#academicians#social activists#politicians# publishers#gynecologists# architects#interior decorators#artists#dealers and #exporters of silver#gold#handicrafts#white and #golden coloured objects will be more comfortable today. 

Persons endowed with Birth Number 2 and those having Luck Number 1,  2  and 3 will be more comfortable today.

Lucky colours for the day are off white, golden yellow and milky white.


Thursday, September 28, 2023

अंक ज्योतिष के आधार पर आपका भविष्यफल दिनांक 29/9/2023 शुक्रवार


अंक ज्योतिष के आधार पर आपका भविष्यफल दिनांक 29/9/2023 शुक्रवार 

अंक १,१०,१९,२८ 
आज प्रशासनिक वर्चस्व बना रेहेगा/समाज कल्याण के काम में  भी आपकी रुचि रहेगी/ कलात्म्क्ता में  भी ध्यान रहेगा/ कलाकार, पत्रकार, पर्यटन व वायु यात्रा से जुडे विभाग लाभप्रद स्थिति में रहेंगे/ आज चान्दी व कलात्मक वस्तुओं  के विक्रय के लिये अच्छा दिन है/ आर्थिक स्तर पर कुछ परेशानी आ सकती है/ शेयर्स में हरगिज़ निवेश न कीजिये/

अंक २ ,११,२०,२९ 
कलात्मक गतिविधियों  लिये समय निकाल पायंगे// वायु यात्रा हेतु व विदेश मे बसे लोगो  के लिये अच्छा दिन है / सम्पति से जुड़ी कोई भी न्यायिक प्रक्रिया आज आपकी परेशानी बढ़ा सकती है/ चाँदी, एथनिक  जेवेलेरी, चर्म उत्पादों, कॉफी व  कॉस्मेटिक्स के व्यापार के लिये अनुकूल दिन है/ प्रेम प्रसंग में प्रगाढ़ता बढ़ेगी/

अंक ३,१२,२१,३० 
आज आपकी रुचि आन्तरिक सज्जा में रहेगी/ वास्तुविद,भवन निर्माता ,सम्पति निवेशक व कृषक वर्ग आज लाभप्रद स्थिति में  रहेंगे/ आज निवास  स्थान बद्लने के लिये अनुकूल दिन है/ चाँदी, नवरतन। भू उत्पादों व् बहु रंगी वस्तुओं के विक्रेता व् मीडिया अधिक लाभप्रद स्थिति में रहेंगे/ शेयर्स में निवेश से हानि हो सकती है/ आज आपकी रूचि आध्यात्मिक गतिविधियों में बढ़ेगी/

 अंक ४,१३,२२,३१ 
आज का दिन  बिना किसी विशेष बदलाव के सुचारु रूप से बीतेगा/  चित से दैनिक काम करे/  सहचर की भावनाओं के प्रति अधिक सहिष्णु  रहिये/ कलात्मक अभिरुचि मे  कुछ  समय बीता सकेंगे/ चांदी व् हस्त शिल्प उत्पादों के निर्यात के लिए अनुकूल दिन हैं/

अंक ५,१४,२३ 
व्यक्तिगत प्रयास आज सामन्य परिणाम ही दे पाएंगे/ आज विवादास्पद  मामलों  से दूर  रहने की चेष्टा कीजिये/आग य गर्मी से भी परेशानी की  संभावना है/आज सम्पति से जुडी किसी भी न्यायिक प्रक्रिया की शुरुआत न कीजिये/

अंक ६,१५,२४ 
व्यक्तिगत प्रयास आज आप  की स्थिति मैं कोई खास बदलाव नहीं ला पायंगे/ सम्पति में  आज निवेश न कीजिये/ वाद विवाद से भी दुर रहने का प्रयास करे/आज गुस्से के  कारण लोग आपके विरोधी बन सकते हैं/ आंशिक भाग्य अनुकूलता से आपकी आर्थिक स्थिति सुदृढ़ रहेगी/

अंक ७,१६,२५ 
सेहत व् आहार की ओर खास ध्यान दीजिये /आज हवाई यात्रा न करें/ वायु जनित  संक्रमण भी आपकी परे शानी की  वजह बन सकते  हैं/ आज सम्पति के स्थान्त्र्ण से जुड़े कार्य न करें/आग व् शार्ट सर्किट से  भी परेशानी हो सकती है/
अंक ८,१७,२६ 
आज आपका ध्यान आध्यात्मिकता  की  ओर रहेगा/  धर्मशास्त्र व् ज्योतिष के गूढ़ रहस्य जाने कि इच्छा प्रबल होगी/भू उत्पादों व् बहु रंगी वस्तुओं के व्यापार व् सम्पति विक्रय से लाभ मिलेगा./
अंक ९,१८,२७ 
  प्रेण प्रसंग में आत्मीयताकी कमी खलेगी/ फोटो जर्नलिस्ट ,रेडीमेड वस्त्रों ,ईंधन,बारूद,भू उत्पादों व् नवरतन के विक्रेता व् सम्पति निवेशक आज लाभ प्रद स्थिति में रहेंगे/ ईंधन व्यापारी अच्छा लाभ प्रप्त करेंगे/


अपना मूलांक व् भाग्यांक जानने के लिए ,कृपया मैं देखिये "जानिए अपना मूलांक और भाग्यांक

उपरोक्त अंक गणना आपके जन्मांक व् भाग्यांक पर आधारित सामान्य भविष्यफल है/गहन व्यक्तिगत भविष्य फल जानने के लिए,आपके जनम के माह व् वर्ष की तत्काल अवस्था को भी ध्यान मैं रखना आवश्यक है/

रजनी छाबड़ा 
वरिष्ठ अंकशास्त्री 
www. numeropath .com 

NUMEROLOGY FOR NEWBORNS ON 29/9/2023 & 30/9/2023



Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 2 and Luck number 9

Number 2 people are gentle by nature, imaginative, artistic and romantic, have marked aesthetic sense and love for music, painting and literature and enjoy traveling. They have all rounder sort of personality and very adjusting nature

Since, their birth number 2 is derived from component number 2 and 9,they will enjoy basis traits of both number 2 and 9, but traits of number 2 will be dominant in them.

Individuals endowed with luck number 9 are destined to work in independent capacity. They generally have to face struggles in earlier phase of life, but establish themselves well in later phase of life.

First year of their life is neutral and Calendar year 2023 is fetching no noteworthy change in their status; but it is a smooth sailing year for luck.

To know more about Number 2 and 9, care to view




Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with #Birth Number 3 and #Luck Number 1

 Number three people are decidedly ambitious and don't like to be subordinated, are excellent in execution of commands, hard working, sincere, with a deep sense of responsibility and take good care of domestic life as well. They have love for art and aesthetics, literary and social pursuits.

Persons endowed with Luck Number 1 are destined to govern the situation on dint of intellectual abilities and leadership attributes. They generally outshine in their group.

First year of their life is neutral and Calendar year 2023 is fetching many special favours for them; rather it is a pleasant  year for luck.

To know more about Number 3 and 1, care to view


#NUMEROLOGY TIPS FOR 29/9/2023 & 30/9/2023


The day is hectic and you might entertain some guests and enjoy outings and entertainment. Favourable day for fashion and glamour world #aviation services# tourism sector# interior decorators # cosmetic surgeons# architects # designers # sexologists #media# publishers #dealers and #exporters of silver # gold # multi coloured precious stones # leather accessories # and ethnic jewellery # artists #translators #pilgrims and #spiritual mentors will be more comfortable today.

Persons endowed with Birth Number 2 and those having Luck Number 2, 3, 6  and 9 will be in more favourable status today.

Lucky colours for the day are off white, black, scarlet, chocolaty and golden yellow



Professional and domestic liabilities will seek most of your time, still you will be able to manage some time for  literary and aesthetic pursuits and social commitments. 
Fine day for #long term investment in gold and property. Dealers of  property #agricultural yields #fuel#dairy products # diamond and #gold jewellery # architects# interior decorators# social activists #academicians#politicians # social activists  #pilgrims#spiritual mentors and #research scholars in occult studies might gain better today.

Persons endowed with Birth Number 3 and those having Luck Number 3, 2,1 8 and 9 will be more comfortable today.

Lucky colors for the day are mustard yellow, white,  black and scarlet.


Monday, September 25, 2023

#NUMEROLOGY FOR #NEWBORNS 27/9/2023 & 28/9/2023



Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 9 and Luck number 7

Persons born on #Number 9 have generally tough times in their early years, but generally in the end, are successful due to their #strong will, determination and guts. They usually experience many quarrels and strife in their domestic life. Number 9 people enjoy the benefit of property and other benefits associated with land.

Since their Birth Number 9 is derived from component Number 2 and 7, general traits of Number 2 and 7 will be also included in their personality, but traits of Number 9 will be more dominant.

Persons endowed with Luck Number  7 are destined to adjust well according to situation and easily impress others by their all rounder sort of property. They generally outshine in field of fine arts and literature.

First year of their life is neutral and in Calendar Year 2023, luck is fetching many special favours for them.

To know more about Number  9, 7, 5 and 6, care to view our site



kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with birth number 1 and luck number is 8

Number one persons are  creative, inventive, strongly Individual, definite in his or her views, consequently determined in all the decisions taken. No.1 people are ambitious and aspirant to hold top position in whatever they do and don't like to be subordinated. Generous, broad-minded, generally excel in whatever field they choose to perform

Since, their number one has component numbers 2 and 8, it will include qualities and basic traits of number 2 and 8 both.

Persons endowed with Birth Number 8 are destined to struggle in life initially, but emerge out and successfully establish themselves on dint of dedicated efforts and firm determination.

First year of age is remarkably good for them and calendar year 2023 fetches no special favours  for them, it is a neutral year for luck.

For more write ups on Number 1, 2, 3 and 8,  care to view

#NUMEROLOGY TIPS FOR 27/9/2023 & 28/9/2023



The day is hectic for you. Domestic  and professional liabilities will  keep you occupied whole day, but you will be able to manage some time for social# literary and # spiritual pursuits as well. More fine day for #social activists# event managers# choreographers # hospitality services # pediatricians # psychiatrists # bankers# #spiritual mentors# developers #agriculturists and # photo journalists.
Persons endowed with #Birth Number 9 and those having #Luck Number 3, 5,  7 and 8, will be in more favourable status today.
Lucky colors for the day are scarlet,  black and milky white.


Professional and social liabilities will be your prime concern and you might manage sometime for entertainment, outings and aesthetic pursuits too. Fine day for investing and dealing in #residential property #gold #diamonds # surgical apparatus #handicrafts #dairy products #white coloured objects and #domestic utility items.

Politicians #social activists # N.G.O.s # gynecologists #consultancy services #shipping industry will be in more favourable status today.

Persons endowed with Birth Number 1 and those having Luck Number  1, 3 , 7 and 8 will be more comfortable today
Lucky colors for the day are mustard yellow and milky white.


Sunday, September 24, 2023

#NUMEROLOGY FOR #NEWBORNS ON 25/9/2023 & 26/9/2023



Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 7 and Luck Number 4

Persons born on 25th of any month have strongly marked individuality, artistic taste and become good writer or poets, painters and have a philosophical tinge in their work, a great leaning to occultism and mysticism. Since their Number 7 is derived by adding number 2+5, they will enjoy basic traits of number 2 and 5 as well, but traits of Number 7 will be more dominant.

Persons bestowed with Luck Number 4 are destined to command situation on dint of sincere efforts, calculative mind and management ability. They have non traditional thinking. They are benefited from foreign links and friends.

First year of their life is neutral for them and Calendar Year 2023 fetches many significant changes for them;  it is a pleasant year for luck.

To know more about these numbers, care to view


Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 8 and luck Number 6

Individuals born on 26th have deep and very intense nature and strong sense of individuality . Number 8 people are either great successors or great failures and are interested in occult studies.

Since, their Birth Number 8 is derived from component Numbers 2 and 6,they will enjoy basic personality traits of Number 2 and 6 as well, but traits of Number 8 will be more dominant in them.

Persons endowed with Luck Number 6 are destined to lead a comfortable life and easily impress others by magnetic charm of their personality. They earn name and gains in field of aesthetic, literary, fashion and glamour related pursuits. 

First year of their life is not pleasant for them and Calendar year 2023 fetches no significant changes for them; it is a neutral year for luck.

To know more about Number 8, 2 ,6 and 5 care to view our site

#NUMEROLOGY TIPS FOR 25/9/2023 & 26/9/2023



You will enjoy cool disposition of mind. Inclination will be keener towards #outings# entertainment# charity# literary and #aesthetic pursuits. #Tourism sector #shipping industry# dealers of sea related yields #silver # pearl jewellery and # handicrafts #media #translators# artists #architects #interior decorators #social activists #scientists #marine adventure trainers# psychiatrists # nursing homes # sports correspondents  will be more comfortable today.

Persons  endowed with #Birth Number 7 and those having #Luck Number 7, 6 , 5, 3 and 2 will be in more favourable status  today.

Lucky colors for the day are ivory, golden yellow, electric blue and pastel colours.


You will be able to implement your decisions today, but don’t tend to be over assertive. #Domestic and #social liabilities will be your prime attention, but you might manage some time for creative #aesthetic pursuits and socializing and #spiritual pursuits. Some auspicious ceremony is likely at home. Fine day for long term #investments in #gold and# agricultural property.
Politicians #spiritual mentors# social activists #photo journalists # fashion and glamour world # dealers of fuel and vehicles #land related yields  #diamonds and multi coloured precious stones# ethnic jewellery will be in more favourable status today.
Persons endowed with #Birth  Number 8 and those having #Luck Number  3, 8, 9 and 6 will be more comfortable today.
#Lucky colors for the day are golden yellow, scarlet  chocolaty and black.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

#NUMEROLOGY TIPS FOR 23/9/2023 & 24/9/2023



Domestic and professional liabilities will seek most of your time, but you will be able to manage sometime for socializing and outings or pleasure trips abroad. Fine day for dealers of# fuel# automobiles# diamond #and gold # tourism sector# bankers # loan agents #social activists #exporters#surgeons #gynecologists# pediatricians # psychiatrists #sports correspondent and# event managers.

Persons endowed with# Birth Number 5 and those having #Luck Number  5, 3, 8 and 9 will be more comfortable today.

Lucky colors for the day are silvery grey , electric blue, golden yellow, crimson and black.



Inclination towards entertainment and creativity will be keener today, though due to some financial limitations, you might not be able to spend lavishly. #Fashion and glamour world #film producers #curators #art critics# dealers of diamonds #gold# ethnic jewellery #brown and silvery grey coloured objects# leaders and# social activists will be more comfortable today.

Persons endowed with #Birth Number 6 and #Luck Number 6, 5, 4 and 3  will be in more favourable status today.

Lucky colour for the day are chocolaty, milky white, electric blue and  golden yellow.


#NUMEROLOGY FOR #NEWBORNS ON 23/9/2023 & 24/9/2023


Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 5 and Luck Number 3

Persons born on Number 5 are quick in thoughts and decisions and impulsive in their actions and have keen sense of making money by inventions and new ideas and are generally willing to take risk in all they undertake and have a calculative mind, have a deep sense of rhythm, music, dance. They travel a lot and especially foreign tours suit them better.

Since, their Birth Number is derived by adding component numbers 2 and 3,they will enjoy basic traits of number 2 and 3 as well, but traits of Number 5 will be more dominant.

First year of their life is favourable for them and Calendar Year 2023 fetches many special change in their status; it is a supportive year.

To know more about Number  5, 2 , 3 and 1 care to view our site



Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 6 and Luck Number 4

Persons born on 24th of any month are extremely magnetic, unyielding and are very determined in carrying out their plans, have aesthetic taste, are fond of rich colors, glamour, painting, music and have a love for literature and lead a luxurious or at least a very comfortable life. They are good at parenting and household responsibilities.

Since, their Birth Number 6 is derived by adding Number 2 and 4, they also enjoy basic traits of Number 2 and four, but traits of Number 6 are more dominant in them.

Persons bestowed with Luck Number 4 are destined to command situation on dint of sincere efforts, calculative mind and management ability. They have non traditional thinking. They are benefited from foreign links and friends.

First year of their life in neutral and Calendar  year 2023 fetches many favours and significant change in their status, rather it is a supportive year for luck.

To know more about Number 6,2,4 and 1,care to view our site


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

NUMEROLOGY FOR NEWBORN ON 21/9/2023 , 22/9/2023 & 23/9/2023



Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 3 and Luck Number 1

Number three people are decidedly ambitious and don't like to be subordinated, are excellent in execution of commands, hard working, sincere, with a deep sense of responsibility and take good care of domestic life as well.

Since their Birth Number 3 is derived from by adding component numbers 2 and 1,they will enjoy basic traits of these numbers as well, but traits of Number 3 will be prominent in them.

Persons bestowed with Luck number 1 are destined to assume responsibilities willingly in an independent capacity and perform off beat. They gain grounds on dint of intellectual ability and innovative thinking, but sometimes face defamation too. They generally outshine in their circle 

First year of their life is neutral for them and calendar year 2023 fetches no special favour for them.; but it is a smoooth sailing year for luck.

To know more about Number 3, and 1, care to view our site



Kids landing on the  stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 4 and Luck Number 2

Persons born on 22 are unconventional in their views and opinions and instinctively rebel against rules and regulations, are sensitive and easily wounded in their feelings. Due to their habit of indulging in arguments, generally get defamation. They have calculative  mind and good reasoning ability.

Since, their number 4 is derived from combination of 2+2,they will enjoy basic traits of number 2 as well.

Persons bestowed with #Luck Number 2 are destined to be all rounder and adjust well according to situation. They are benefited  from #foreign links and friend circle as well.

First  year of life is adverse for them and Calendar Year 2023 luck fetches no special change in their status; it is an adverse year overall.


Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 5 and Luck Number 2

Persons born on Number 5 are quick in thoughts and decisions and impulsive in their actions and have keen sense of making money by inventions and new ideas and are generally willing to take risk in all they undertake and have a calculative mind, have a deep sense of rhythm, music, dance. They travel a lot and especially foreign tours suit them better.

Since, their Birth Number is derived by adding component numbers 2 and 3,they will enjoy basic traits of number 2 and 3 as well, but traits of Number 5 will be more dominant.

Persons bestowed with #Luck Number 2 are destined to be all rounder and adjust well according to situation. They are benefited  from #foreign links and friend circle as well.

First year of their life is favourable for them and Calendar Year 2023 fetches many special change in their status; it is a supportive year.

To know more about Number  5, 2,  3 and 1  care to view our site


NUMEROLOGY TIPS FOR 21/9/2023 & 22/9/2023



The day is going to be hectic and fruitful for you. Social and professional liabilities will seek most of your time and domestic life will be peaceful. Fine day for investing in gold and property.

Persons endowed with Birth Number 3 and those blessed with Luck Number 3,  2 and 1 will be in more favourable and assertive status today

More fine day for cottage industrialists# social activists# academicians #publishers# photo journalists #spiritual mentors #politicians  #N.G.O.s
Lucky colors for the day are golden yellow, off white and milky white.



The day boosts your innovative mind and #creative skills. Try to retain a check on your ego. #Dealers of silver and #handicrafts# social activists #scientists #airlines # architects# designers# curators # fashion and glamour world # sexologists and #art critics will be more comfortable.

Persons bestowed with #Birth Number 4 and those having # Luck Number 4, 2, 3 and 6 will be more comfortable today.

#Lucky colors for the day are milky white, pastel colours, chocolaty and golden yellow.


Sunday, September 17, 2023

#NUMEROLOGY TIPS FOR 19/9/2023 & 20/9/2023



Your management and reasoning skills will be keener and the day boosts your urge for charity and social service. #Dealers of white #black and# brown coloured  objects# #diamonds and #ethinic jewellery #politicians and #social activists #spiritual mentors #curators #archives #museums #garage owners #fashion and glamour world # coffee parlours and #beauty parlours will be more comfortable today. Be more mindful in driving today.

Persons endowed with Birth Number 1 and those having Luck Number 1, 9  and 8 will be in more comfortable status today.

Lucky colors for the day are golden yellow, white, black and chocolaty.



The day is fine for stretching wings of your  imagination wider, for following creative pursuits and entertaining guests as well. More fine day for #aesthetic   pursuit #entertainment sector # aviation services #dealers of silver #diamonds #petrol #vehicles# surgical apparatus #exporters # bankers # chartered accountant # psychiatrists # pediatricians # photo journalists# media and #spiritual mentor will be more comfortable today.

Persons endowed with Birth Number 2 and those having Luck Number 2, 5 ,8 and 9 will be more comfortable today.

Lucky colors for the day are off  white, silvery grey # scarlet and black.


#NUMEROLOGY FOR NEWBORNS ON 19/9/2023 & 20/9/2023



Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 1 and Luck Number 8

A person born under the Birth Number of 1 is creative, inventive, strongly Individual, definite in his or her views, consequently determined in all the decisions taken. Number. 1 people are ambitious and aspirant to hold top position in whatever they do and don't like to be subordinated.

Since persons born on 19th  derive their Number 1 by adding their component Numbers 1 and 9,they enjoy basic traits of Number 9 as well, but traits of Number 1 will be more prominent in them.

Persons endowed with Luck number 8 are destined to attain success after struggle and settle well in late phase of life, on dint of their dedicated efforts. Spiritual inclination of mind is keener in them.

First Year of kids born today is favourable and Calendar year 2023 fetches no major favours for them; but it is a smooth sailing year for them.

To know more about Number 1, 9 and 8 , care to view our site


Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 2 and Luck number 9

Number 2 people are gentle by nature, imaginative, artistic and romantic, have marked aesthetic sense and love for music, painting and literature and enjoy traveling.They have all rounder sort of personality
Persons endowed with Luck number 9 are destined to assume responsibilities and lead an independent sort of life.They generally face ordeals in earlier phase of life, but emerge out successful.

First year of their life is cool and comfortable for them and Calendar year 2023   fetches no special favours for them, but it is a smooth sailing year for luck.

To know more about Number 2 and 9, care to browse our site


Saturday, September 16, 2023

#NUMEROLOGY FOR #NEWBORNS ON 17/9/2023 & 18/9/2023



Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 8 and Luck Number 6

Persons born on 17 th of  any month have deep and very intense nature and strong sense of individuality. Number 8 people are either great successors or great failures and are interested in occult studies.

Since their Birth Number 8 is derived from Component Numbers 1 and  7,they will  enjoy basic traits of Number 1 and 7 too, but traits of Number 8 will be more prominent in them.

Persons endowed with Luck number 6 are destined to lead a comfortable life on financial level. They easily impress others by their magnetic charm. They excel in field of fine arts, literature and designing pursuits.

First year of their life is not pleasant for them and Calendar Year 2023 is bringing  no noteworthy changes for them ; it is a neutral year for luck.

To know more about Number 8,6, and 5, care to view our site


Kids landing on the stage of world today are bestowed with Birth Number 9 and Luck Number 7

Persons born on 18th  have generally tough times in their early years, but generally in the end, are successful due to their strong will, determination and guts. They usually experience many quarrels and strife in their domestic life. Number 9 people enjoy the benefit of property and other benefits associated with land.

Since their Birth Number 9 is derived from component numbers 1 and 8, they will enjoy personality traits of these two numbers as well, but traits of Number 9 will be more dominant.

Persons endowed with Luck number 6 are destined to lead a comfortable life on financial level. They easily impress others by their magnetic charm. They excel in field of fine arts, literature and designing pursuits.

First year of their life is neutral and Calendar Year 2023 fetches many remarkable  changes in their status;  it is favourable year for them for luck.

To know more about Number 9, 1, 8 and 6, care to view our site