Sunday, July 3, 2016


NUMBER 1,10,19,28
Personal efforts won't fetch any noteworthy change in your status, but due to support rendered by luck, your professional, social and domestic liabilities will be discharged in a smooth sailing way.The day is fine for foreign tours, event management, official tours,, favours media, artists, poets, translators,aviation and tourism sector, cultural delegations abroad,dealers and exporters of silver and art wares.
NUMBER 2,11,20,29
Daily liabilities will be managed in a smooth going way.The day favours designers, jewellers,fashion and glamour world,aviation, tourism and hotel industry, poets, translators, artists, art gallery owners; fine for  aesthetic pursuits and deal and export of handicrafts, silver. and ethnic jewellery.
NUMBER 3,12,21,30
Personal efforts won't fetch any significant change in your status, bur luck might fetch you some bounties today. You might gain some recognition in field of aesthetic and creative pursuits The day is fine for outings, foreign pleasure  trips, event management, aesthetic pursuits, favours more mountaineers, aviation sector, artists, poets, media,designers,; interior decorators , cottage industrialists,  exporters and dealers of silver and art wares, 
NUMBER 4,13,22,31
You will love to be a trend setter and perform off beat today.Scientists, astronauts, aeronautical engineers, politicians, social activists, artists, media and art critics will be more comfortable today. The day is fine for applying your innovative and calculative mind for investments and management.favours for deal of handicrafts,silver and silvery items.

NUMBER 5,14,23
Your intellectual ability and management skills will be keener today. Social activists, politicians and event managers will be more comfortable today. The day is fine for account keeping, circulation of money, deal of white colored items  and milk products, and following official pursuits.

NUMBER 6,15,24
Neither personal efforts, nor luck is going to fetch any noteworthy change in your status.The day is neutral, just focus on routine.You might feel bored due to lack of novelty in your ventures;try to manage sometime for your hobbies and socialising.

NUMBER 7,16,25
Unhindered attainment of daily targets will fetch you cool disposition of mind. You might gain some recognition in aesthetic and creative pursuits. Social activists, poets, translators, artists and art critics will be more comfortable today. Some air generated infection can be troublesome for you today and some problem is likely in air travels too.

NUMBER 8,17,26
Try to appreciate viewpoint of your seniors and follow policy of co operation. The day is neutral, provided you avoid ego and administrative conflicts.Also assure purity of milk products before consuming. Focus with a cool mind on daily liabilities.

NUMBER 9,18,27
Neither personal efforts, nor luck is going to fetch any noteworthy change in your status.The day is neutral; just concentrate on routine. Enjoy the petty joys derived from unhindered attainment  of daily targets.

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