Saturday, July 23, 2016


NUMBER 1,10,19,28
Financial limitations might prevent you from spending as per your wish. Well plan your wallet; extravagance might lead to rift with your better half.The day is fine for administrative and management affairs, charity and leadership, provided you avoid gossipers and initiation of money, It is fine for deal of white colored objects and milk products..
NUMBER 2,11,20,29
Social and financial status will be prestigious as a result of personal efforts. The day is fine for fashion and glamour world,deal of cosmetics, leather goods, coffee, chocolates and favours fashion world, designers, art critics and sexologists.
NUMBER 3,12,21,30
The day is dicey on financial front; don't initiate investments today.The day is neutral overall, but avoid gossip mongers and care more for viewpoint of your better half. Just focus with a cool mind on daily routine. Relax and re energize yourself.
NUMBER 4,13,22,31
Financial limitations might slacken your progress,bur due to support rendered by luck, you will be able to manage your liabilities.The day is fine for management and administrative pursuits, leadership, social service and charity.and for deal of white colored items and milk products.You might gain some recognition in politics, innovations and adventures, but some opposition is likely initially.
NUMBER 5,14,23
Personal efforts won't fetch any noteworthy change in your status, but liabilities will be managed in a smooth sailing way due to some support rendered by luck.The day is fine for leadership, administrative and management pursuits, deal of milk products and white coloured  objects and is neutral overall.

NUMBER 6,15,24
Financial and social status will be prestigious today.You will be able to manage extra time and funds for personal grooming, entertainment and for enhancing comfort level of your near and dear ones The day is fine for sexologists, fashion and glamour world, dealers of chocolates, cosmetics,tobacco and leather goods and is fine for fame and gains.

NUMBER 7,16,25
The day boosts your aesthetic sense and creativity. Financial and social status will be prestigious today. Relations with spouse will be more cordial today.The day is more fine for fashion and glamour world,  dealers of leather goods, chocolates,tobacco, gift items and cosmetics.

NUMBER 8,17,26
The day is neutral overall, provided you retain a check on your avoid indulgence in political administrative conflicts. Dealers of white coloured objects and dairy products might gain less today. Don't initiate projects today. Just focus on daily liabilities and relax.

NUMBER 9,18,27
Financial limitations can be bothersome for you today. Well plan your wallet or else extravagance might lead to bitterness with your better half.The day is neutral provided you avoid initiation of investments and defamatory factors.Today,you will badly miss a close friend who is miles away from you right now.

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