Tuesday, July 30, 2024




NUMBER 1,10,19,28
Daily targets will be attained in a smooth sailing way. The day is fine for administrative pursuits, administrative trips abroad and for sending political  and cultural delegations abroad.  Foreign links will prove beneficial  today. You will outshine in your circle. Dealers of white colour objects, dairy products and silvery grey items might gain better. 

NUMBER 2,11,20,29
Personal efforts won't secure any noteworthy change in your status, but you will be benefitted by support from luck. Social say will enhance and you might gain some recognition in social service  pursuits. Fine day for event managers, pediatricians, psychiatrists, sports correspondents, dealers of sports material, utility items for kids and silvery grey objects.

NUMBER 3,12,21,30
 The day is neutral for your personal performances. Don't expect any support from luck today. Some problem related to mobility of your kids and arrival of unexpected guests might lead to shuffling of your prior plans. Also, don't put money in circulation today and don't lend money to anyone; else you might face problem at the time of recovery.

NUMBER 4,13,22,31
The day makes you inclined towards innovations and adventures and introducing novice policies in administration. You will be facing some opposition initially. Dealers of  white colored and silvery grey objects, dairy products, sports material and utility items for kids might gain better today.

NUMBER 5,14,23
Attend to your intuitions for family issues and utilize your calculative abilities for expansion of business. Travel and loan agencies, social activists, nursing homes, psychiatrists, dealers of dairy products, utility items for kids,  cement, mercury and sports material  will gain better. You will gain some recognition in administrative and political sphere.

NUMBER 6,15,24
Daily liabilities will be managed in a routine way. The day does not bring any specific change in your status. Petty joys of the day will give you satiety. Just focus on routine and relax. Try to devote sometime to your hobbies and long pending social commitments.

NUMBER 7, 16, 25
Personal efforts won't fetch any noteworthy change in your status today. Due to some support from luck, you will be gaining some recognition in social as well  as professional sphere. Dealers of  sports material, utility products for kids, mercury and cement might gain better. You might get some unexpected support from friends and foreign links.

NUMBER 8, 17, 26
Avoid indulgence in ego rifts and administrative conflicts. Care for  viewpoint of your seniors. Assure purity of milk products before consuming. Dealers of white colored objects might gain less today. Don't expect any support from luck today.

NUMBER 9,18,27
The day is neutral for your personal attainments, but daily liabilities will be managed in a smooth going way. Luck won't render you any  support. You might be upset due to some problems related to your kids and unexpected arrival of  guests that you find difficult to manage. Don't give loan to anyone  and don't put money in circulation today. Try to retain a cool and composed mind. Devote sometime for meditation.


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