Tuesday, July 5, 2016



NUMBER 1,10,19,28
The day boosts your creativity and management skills.The day favours mariners, voyagers, sea traders, tourism industry,fine for mobility, aesthetic pursuits,  deal and  export of silver and sports material.Fine day for availing your foreign links and also for moving abroad for export business expansion, higher studies, pleasure trips, participation in cultural and sports events. Shipping industry, water purifier units, dealers of  sea related yields,sports material, silvery grey items and kids utility items, nursing homes, psychiatrists, sports correspondents , choreographers and media will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 2,11,20,29
Take good care of health and diet and assure purity of drinking water. You might suffer due to some water generated infection, heavy rains or rough seas. The day is fine for academic,domestic and property pursuits,  deal of gold and golden objects,  export of jewellery.

NUMBER 3,12,21,30
The day favours for domestic, aesthetic and property pursuits, deal of silver and gold, favours designers, builders,  architects and brings enhanced prestige. Some problem related to mobility of your kids and unexpected arrival of guests might lead to shuffling  of your prior plans.

NUMBER 4,13,22,31
Personal efforts will be rewarding and luck will also fetch you some favours. The day is hectic and fruitful for you. The day favours paediatricians psychiatrists, mariners, voyagers , sea traders, dealers  and exporters  of sea related yields and silvery grey objects. Fine day for moving abroad for  higher education, cultural and sports events, export business expansion and pleasure trips.

NUMBER 5,14,23
Personal  efforts won't fetch any favourable change in your status, but due to support rendered by luck, your vocational, domestic and social liabilities will be managed in a smooth sailing way. The day is fine for academic, property and domestic pursuits,deal of gold and golden items and fine  successful discharge of job liabilities. attend to your intuitions. Nursing homes, gynaecologists , education and home loan agencies, choreographers , bankers , event managers and choreographers will be  more comfortable today.

NUMBER 6,15,24
Daily liabilities will be managed in a smooth sailing way.The day is fine for domestic, academic and property pursuits. Dealers of  gold , golden items., domestic utility objects and stationery.  Social activists,gynaecologists., architects and interior decorators will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 7,16,25
Personal efforts will be fruitful and luck will also fetch some bounties for you. Your say will enhance in social and professional sphere  and your opinions will be held in great  esteem in your family too.The day favours mariners, voyagers, sea traders,designers, exporters of sea related yields, dealers of cement and mercury. Fine for academic, domestic and property pursuits.

NUMBER 8,17,26
Daily liabilities will be managed in a routine way.The day is fine for academic, domestic and property pursuits and brings enhanced prestige. Fine day for investing in gold.  Dealers of domestic utility objects and stationery,  architects ,gynaecologists academicians and publishers will be more comfortable today.

NUMBER 9,18,27
Personal efforts won't fetch any noteworthy change in your status  but due to some support rendered by luck, you will be able to manage  your liabilities..  Some problems related to your kids might upset you, but try to tackle patiently and you might succeed partially.The day favours for academic,social and property pursuits. Avoid putting money in circulation today.

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