Friday, May 11, 2012


Number 1 * D day is neutral for ur personal attainments.Just focus on daily routine n try to avoid indulgence in administrative rifts.Be more cautious in driving too. 
Number 2 * D day is remarkably fine for ur personal attainments as well as special favours from luck.Domestic,social n professional liabilities will be discharged smoothly.Fine day for architects,vastu consultants,sooth sayers,dealers of gold,diamond,property ,petrol,mustard oil n automobiles.Ur inclination towards spiritualism will be grter. 
Number 3 * D day adds to ur social prestige n ur opinions will be valued in domestic as well  professional field.Architects,vastu consultants,future tellers,research scholars in occult sciences will gain their distinct identity.Investors n dealers of gold,diamond,petrol,vehicles,printing ink,mustard oil,property will be in better profit fetching status today.Media n spiritual mentors will be more influential. 
Number 4 * Ur personal efforts won't fetch any remarkable change in ur status.Be careful in driving n also avoid ego clashes n rifts of opinion wid ur elders n seniors.U will be inclined towards innovations n adventures.Ur novice administrative policies will be initially met wid opposition,but acknowledged finally. 
Number 5 * Domestic n professional liabilities will be ur chief concern.Social n literary activities will also draw ur attention.Fine day for sanctioning n availing property n education loans.Invest in gold n property.Avoid ego rifts n try to keep a hold on ur mercury mind.Be more cautious in driving today. 
Number 6 * Ur domestic n professional liabilities will be smoothly performed n dis will add to ur social say.Inclination will be for enhancing comfort level of near n dear ones.Literary n social activities will also seek ur attention n time.Invest in gold n property.U might opt for renovation n re decor of ur home n office today. 
Number 7 * Devote ur time to literary n academic pursuitspublishers,.media,spiritual mentors,arhitects,surgeons,vastu consultants,dealers of fuel,iron,automobiles,gold n property ,mustrad oil,printing ink will be in more gainful status.Spiritual inclination willlbe grter. 
Number 8 * Ur social say will be more today n ur opinions will matter in domestic n professional field too.Interest will be keener in study n research work in field of religion,vastu n predictions.Media,yoga trainers n spiritual mentors,surgeons,dealers of fuel mustard oil,vehiles,iron n black colored objets will gain better. 
Number 9 * Ur domestic n professional liabilities will be smoothly managed n soial say will enhance today.Domestic life will be peaceful.Some auspicious ceremony is  likely to be performed at home.Invest in gold n property.Media n photo journalist will be more influential.  


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