Saturday, August 29, 2020



NUMBER 1,10,19,28
The day is neutral, but good for boosting your urge for leadership,charity n social service.D day is dicey for new projects n investment in shares;avoid buying lottery tickets as well.Some defamation is likely;try to maintain a dignified gap from gossipers.

NUMBER 2,11,20,29
The day is fine for academic,domestic ,vocational, literary,cultural  n aesthetic pursuits .Fine day for renovation n interior decoration of ur house n office.Face walk in interviews today.Architects,interior decorators, sexologists,social activists,fashion n glamour world ,dealers of gold,golden n brown colored object,cosmetics, leather accessories,property will be better gainers.Relations wid spouse will be more cordial.Fine day for dating.

NUMBER 3,12,21,30
Professional n domestic liabilities will be ur prime concern.In spite of limited financial resources at hand,u will be able to attain ur targets.Avoid extravagance as it might lead to clash wid ur life partner.The day is fine for peaceful domestic life, academic and social service pursuits.Dealers of gold n property,domestic utility items will gain more today.

NUMBER 4,13,22,31
The day is neutral, provided you avoid ego and administrative conflicts.Some opposition n defamation is likely in political sphere.Retain a dignified gap from gossip mongers.Don't put money in shares n lotteries;d day is speculative for u on financial front.

NUMBER 5,14,23
Vocational,social n domestic liabilities will be ur chief attention seeker.The day is fine literary pursuits and for spending nice time with relatives.Invest in gold property.Fine day for housing n education loan agencies,dealers of gold n property.Foreign administrative officials might gain some identity today.

NUMBER 6,15,24

The day is fine for domesticity,management affairs, academic pursuits. U will enjoy enhanced social prestige n sound financial status n might spend lavishly for personal grooming n for raising comfort level of ur family,near n dear ones.Fashion n glamour world,curators,gilft centers,sexologists,beauticians,academicians will more enjoy d favour of stars.

NUMBER 7,16,25
Domestic life will  be peaceful n u will enjoy more cordial relations wid ur spouse.Fine day for dating n proposing.The day is fine for aesthetic and cultural pursuits, domesticity and management affairs.Fashion n glamour world,art film producers,usta art workers(gold work on leather hide) will gain more recognition n financial gains.

NUMBER 8,17,26
The day is fine for domestic ,social and academic affairs, with enhanced social prestige, provided you don't indulge in ego and administrative conflicts.Invest in gold n property for long term.Dealers of mustard oil n domestic utility items will gain more today.

NUMBER 9,18,27
The day is fine for domestic pursuits n good for spending time with family.Ur literary circle might widen today.Today,u will badly miss a close  frd of u wid whom u had heart revealing intimacy.Don't lend or borrow today.

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